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Once again, everyone looked in terror. Wondering where their red-headed friend of the group went. Still not used to the unusual occasion. To be quite frank, the disappearances of both Bethany and Martha led to an excruciatingly horrified image. It never ended in a pleasant sight.

"Wait-what just happened to her?!" Fridge panicked.

"Is she dead? Did she die?" Bethany asked with her voice raised, glancing at the other members.

As per usual, Spencer had a lightbulb moment, figuring thing out before the others. His state in mind once flooded with fear, now at a rest. Almost likes waves hitting the shore.

"Wait a second..." He mumbled, glancing up.

The sound of high pitched keys erupted once again.

"What the HELL is hap- ARGH!" Fridge tried to speak, only to get a fist full of Martha thrown at him. "Get off of my back!" He grunted at the redhead.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked while the other girls look at Martha in bewilderment.

"I think so." She breathed out.

Goodness gracious, get off! Fridge complained once more.

Martha struggled, but complied. "I'm getting off of you." She said annoyed.

Milana nodded at her when the tall girl stood next to here.

"Anybody care if I'm okay? What am I, a human landing pad?" Fridge blubbered out, causing the blonde to giggle under her breath.

It was mean, and she knew it, but Fridge's complaining and suffering to the game was purely entertainment from Milana's side.

Spencer gently grabbed Martha's left arm, glancing down at her wrist. Confirming Spencer's suspicions.

"That's what I thought." He mumbled, somehow catching everyone's attention. "We each have three lives, guys. These little tattoos on our arms..." Spencer trailed off, in a trance by his own avatar. "Jesus, would you look at the size of that thing?"

"Spencer!" Fridge said in a stern voice. "You were saying?"

By now Milana caught on, too impatient for Spencer to answer.

"It's a life count. Our life count." She simply stated, motioning with her hands.

"Yeah, that's right." Spencer pointed at her, anxiously waiting for an outburst or snarky remark from the blonde. But when he realized there wasn't one, he quickly continued. "Bethany got eaten by a hippo, so now she has two lines."

"He's right." Bethany declared to the group after briefly looking down at her arm.

"Wait. What happens if we use up all of our lives?" Martha asked, looking up directly at Spencer.

"Well, usually that would mean... game over." Said Spencer gloomily.

Fridge walked closer to the duo. "What do you mean 'game over'?" Spencer didn't answer and avoided eye contact. Fridge then glanced at Milana in fear.

"Are you saying that we can actually die in here?"

Milana looked at Fridge, then Spencer and then back at Fridge. Being the unfortunate one to tell the bad news. "Well, neither of us know for sure-" She quickly got cut off by the short man.

"You're not sure- you're not sure, you video-game-geniuses?"

"Well, I've never been stuck in one, okay!? So I'm not certain, but, yes, I- and Milana , are afraid we could all die."

𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ➻ 𝖺𝗅𝖾𝗑 𝗏𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗄𝖾 | ʲᵘᵐᵃⁿʲⁱWhere stories live. Discover now