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Alex managed to successfully land the helicopter. Everyone gave each other praises (mainly toward Spencer and Alex) for how they handled their previous situation. The group was talking through one another, all just excited and relieved to have made it out safely.

Except for Fridge, who stared at the group in an incredulous way, holding on to his backpack. "Hey? Excuse me? Excuse me?!" He asked sarcastically, catching everyone's attention.

"I'm the one that was a human sacrifice! You don't know what's on the underside of those rhinos."

Milana caught glimpse of Alex shrugging his jacket of, smiling briefly when at the boy when he saw her looking. But she copied his actions, folding the long jacket nicely and removing her gloves for once and for all.

"And you don't wanna know. I've seen a lot of things." Fridge chastised them, recalling his horrible experience. But all it did was humour the others. "Felt them on my face too. Things that I will never be able to erase from my memory."

After that, no one could keep a straight face. Everyone but Fridge let out a laugh, chuckle or even a wheeze at the boy's theathrics.

"Oh that's funny to you guys. Go ahead, laugh it up. Get it out." But not even Fridge could stop the smile from forming on his face.

"Guys, I've been trying to get across this canyon for, like, 20 years, okay? Do you realise how huge this is?" Alex mentioned from behind them, the fun was quickly over when Alex slapped his hand behind his neck.

"Mosquito." He grunted out before falling to the floor.

"Alex!" Milana called out , right by his side, and the others fell in step with her.

Milana gently grabbed his face, making him look upwards. But he remained still as ever. Bethany mumbled after Alex a few times, while Milana stayed eerily quiet.

Martha, who was on the other side checked his arm, seeing his last line fading away. "He's dying." She said.

"No, we can't let him die! We're too close!" Bethany said, raising her voice. "Does anyone know how to do CPR?"

Milana gulped. "I do." She rushingly rolled up her sleeves and positioned herself correctly.

She nudged Bethany, signalling to give her some space, which Bethany did. Martha walked up to Bethany, noticing her distress.

Milana preformed chest compressions, then held his nose and sealed her mouth onto his, giving two breaths. She repeated the process before getting slightly frustrated.

"Why isn't it working?!" She groaned out, tears welling her eyes.

But Milana didn't give up. And nobody said anything for a while. They were all just worried and emotional.

"Lani, stop!" Martha said, breaking the silence. "Your tattoo, it's fading."

And it was, the two lines Milana once had, turned into just the one. Bethany glanced at Alex's wrist to see his line was showing up again. "Looks like you're giving one of your lives." She said softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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