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I was on my way home after work, I was really exhausted, the new drama I'm acting is going to be amazing I can't wait for my fans to see it I'm sure they'll like it but damn I was overworking myself a lot because I don't wanna disappoint my fans and I didn't even realise that until I fainted in my car.

I opened my eyes my vision was blurry but I could see some people in the room , I was in a white room, a hospital room to be more specific, and the people in the room are my mom and dad, I think my mom was crying or maybe she's just sad.

"Good morning" I said

my mom stood up and hugged me she hugged me so tight I couldn't breath easily, when she was done she said "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU I WAS SCARED"

I felt so bad for making her worry like that, "the driver called us and said that you fainted in the car and he brought you to the hospital" my dad said

" but I wasn't that tired I don't know how I fainted" I replied to them

"Binnie baby please take care of yourself if anything happens to you I might die" my mom said

"Sorry mom I promise I'll be careful and I won't make you worried"

when I said that she looked at me and said "are you sure baby?"

"yes I'm sure and sorry again" I said

my dad looked like he wanted to say something so I said "Dad what's wrong"

he replied "nothing I just really love you both"

then we all hugged, it was a warm hug, I love my family they mean a lot to me.
Who is that you might be wondering
He's Choi Soobin, one of the most successful actors, he's 25y.o , his fans are really supportive with everything he does.

He has 2 close friends Choi Yeonjun 26 y.o, and Choi Beomgyu 24 y.o, they met when they acted in a drama, and now they're really close. Soobin's fans shipps him with Yeonjun,little do they know Yeonjun is dating Beomgyu, and Soobin is their number one supporter, whenever anyone mentioned the "yeonbin" ship infront of the three they'd all burst into laughter.

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I opened my eyes when I woke up I looked at my phone "7:32 am" dang I closed my eyes again and then realised "SHIT SHIT SHIT IM LATE" omg my first class starts at 8 am I wore my clothes so fast and ran downstairs


" WHAT ABOUT THE BREAKFAST" she screamed back

"LEA AND HYYIH WILL EAT IT I HAVE TO GO NOW IM LATE" I said as I walked out of the house

"OK TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF" I heard my mom say.

I saw that Taehyun was already waiting for me in his car infront of my house, I entered the car and said

" Tea you know that I love you BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME OR ANYTHING" I said

he laughed and started driving " Its ok Kai we're not that late"

I said

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