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●Kai's Pov●

After my class I texted Soobin hyung a
"I'm done with my classes now hyunggie :)"
But he didn't reply, he didn't even see the text, I'm actually worried, I waited all day but still, there is no reply, it's now 10 pm and I have to go to sleep, I'll talk to him about it and see if everything is ok. . .

"I wanna meet Choi Soobin"

●end of Kai's pov●

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

○Soobin's pov○

I was in my bed thinking about what happened today, it was scary, Teahyung hyung is so scary when he's mad, I'm glad that Yeonjun knew how to deal with him and convinced about his plan, I don't think that I could've knew how to do that, Yeonjun hyung is so brave. . . I checked my phone to see the time 11:33 pm, there's a message from Hueninggie too, I didn't even know that he's sent me something


I love you too hyunggie ❤❤
Bye bye 👋

*New message at 3:07 pm*
I'm done with my classes now hyunggie :)

Omg I'm so sorry Kai, I couldn't text you
I had some important mess to deal
With I'll tell you about it when we meet

I sent that text but he didn't reply, I guess he's already sleeping, I should go to sleep as well, I'll meet him and tell him about everything. . .



I opened my eyes to see the beautiful boy sitting on a streets chair, he was hugging his knees, he's probably waiting for me

"Hueninggie?" I asked as I tapped his back

"Hyung!" He said as he jumped on me and hugged me tightly

"I was so worried, why didn't you text me back?, and why did you go to bed this late?, I thought that you won't come" he said, still hugging me

"I'm sorry for making you worry, but I had to deal with some tough things today, I saw the text like 15 minutes ago, and I replied" I said hugging him back

"Wanna tell me what are the tough things?" He asked looking at me with his pretty eyes

" yes, so do you know BTS?" I asked

"Mhm!" he hummed nodding excitedly

"Kim Taehyung is Beomgyu's older brother, an-" I said but was cut off by him

"WHAT? HOW IS THAT? AND WHY DO THEY HAVE DIFFERENT LAST NAMES?" He asked with a shocked expression on his face

"Beomgyu explained that to me before, so his mom got pregnant with Taehyung before marriage, and when her boyfriend found out he wanted to marry her, but she refused to get married when she's pregnant, she wanted it after she give birth, so she gave birth of Taehyung and he got her last name, on the other hand she gave birth of Beomgyu when she was married so he got his father's last name, it's complicated" I said and he was looking at me like a shocked baby

In your dreams | Sookai Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora