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○Soobin's pov○

"Soobin, some people have seen you
going in your car to Huening Kai's
house and now so many reporters
are waiting for you to get
outside his house"

"You gotta be kidding me" I said and opened the curtains to see if what he said was true and unfortunately I saw so many reporters with a lot of cameras and flash lights, I quickly closed the curtains

"What should I do now?"

"I don't know, wait, I can go there with my car and pick you and Mr.Huening up, the reporters will leave when you're no longer there"

"Ok, we'll be waiting for you Mr.Boo"

. . .

"Kai we'll have to leave" I said looking at him

"What? Where are we going" he asked

I looked at his mom "Ma'am sorry but Kai has to go with me if you want him to stay safe, there are so many reporters outside your house, and they won't leave until Kai and I leave too" I said in a serious tone


"We're going to stay at my villa, no one knows about it, people think that I'm staying at a hotel, but if you're still worried you can come with us" I said

"But... when is he coming back?" Kai's mom asked

"I don't know, but I'll bring him home as soon as I can..." I said wanting her to trust me

"Taehyun you have to go with them, Mr.Choi please take care of my baby" she said

"Wait... so Kai will leave?" Hiyyih asked in a sad tone

"No no I won't, I'll come back I promise, don't be worried Soobinnie hyung and Taehyunnie are with me, I'm safe" Kai said and hugged Hiyyih, Lea joined the hug too patting her brother's head and their mom hugged them all, they looked adorable

"Is it only you in the villa?" Kai's mom asked

"No no, Yeonjun and Beomgyu are there too, they are also famous actors" I replied

"Wait... are you talking about Choi Yeonjun and Choi Beomgyu?!" Hiyyih asked excitedly

"Yes" I replied calmly

"Make sure they treat Kai nicely" Kai's mom said worriedly

"Mom, don't worry they're my friends" Kai said softly

"Okay then... Kai please be careful, Taehyun please take care of him, and Soobin-shi I trust you, protect Kai at all cost" she said with a soft smile

"Mom please it's not like I'm 5, I'm 20, I can take care of myself" Kai said

"Shut up you're still 3 in my eyes" she said and hugged him

"Dont worry Ma'am I'll protect him, I won't disappoint you" I said

"Yes... so what is your plan?" Taehyun asked

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