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○Soobin's pov○

"Hey? Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked me with questioning looks, I didn't reply

"SOOBIN HYUNG" Beomgyu screamed

"W-what?" I replied

"What's wrong? You were just fine in the morning what happened?" Beomgyu asked

"I. . .uhh I'm not sure, I'm tired, let's go home" I replied, should I ask them about how I felt. . .

"Oh yeah you must be tired after today, by the way Kai-" Beomgyu was talking but I cut him off

"Actually I wanna talk about something, can we talk about it at home?" I asked and both of them nodded

○end of Soobin's pov○

They got home at 8:25 pm, they were in the living room, the two boys were looking at Soobin waiting for him to speak, Soobin sighed

"I. . . Today when Hueningkai was playing the piano, I- I felt things, weird things, I can't explain it" Soobin said looking down at his thighs

"Things? How exactly?" Beomgyu asked

"I don't know, I'm not sure, it was a weird feeling, I felt something rushing though my body, it's confusing" Soobin replied

"Oh. . . Did those feelings make your thing hard?" Yeonjun asked

"YAAAH YAAH YAH, NO WHAT THE HELL YEONJUN, I'm being serious" Soobin said

"I am serious, you know what?, explain it exactly" Yeonjun said

"Uh- so first when he started playing I felt trembled, then my heart started pounding quickly, and my eyes were focused on him, like he is the only human in the world, I am confused, I think that I'm in love with him" Soobin said looking at the two

"You think?, MAN YOU SHOULD BE SURE" Beomgyu said

"You finally realized how you feel towards him, congratulations, you're in love" Yeonjun said

"Uh? Thanks? What do I do? I can't believe I'm in love with a fan, I can't be in a relationship with him" Soobin said, the boys could tell he was melancholy

"What? Why can't you be with him? Being in love with a fan isn't a crime" Yeonjun said and frowned

"Hyung is right, as long as both of you love each other it's ok" Beomgyu said agreeing

"But I don't even know if he likes me or not, I feel like a loser" Soobin said

"Soobin hyung, ARE YOU DUMB OR BLIND OR SOMETHING?? IT'S TOO OBVIOUS, HE DEFINITELY LOVES YOU" Beomgyu screamed holding Soobin's shoulders and shaking him

"Now stop this gloomy look and be happy ok?" Beomgyu said again which made Soobin smile a little

"Ya, you can talk to him again and see if he likes you or not, I'm sure he does, be positive" Yeonjun said

"Thanks guys I really needed that" Soobin said hugging both of them at the same time

"No problem Soobs" Yeonjun said

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