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In the next few days Soobin received a lot of threats and more rumours were spreading about him like... Choi Soobin had 3 other boyfriends before Kai and broke their hearts cruelly, or Choi Soobin has a bad relationship with his parents and family for being gay... but the worst one was...Choi Soobin the young successful artist goes to bars to  fuck and rape young poor boys to please himself

Soobin didn't really care about the threats... well nobody even knows where he lives and he has so many bodyguards, people won't even be able to touch him... but what really annoyed him was the rumours... Soobin was sick of these rumours... they were annoying him... but on the other hand he had his supportive fans who were defending him and stopping the bad rumours... they were sending him positive messages and supporting him with his life choices, which made him more confident, even his friends supported him, he got a call from I.N and Hyunjin they talked to him supportively and even talked with Kai, Soobin then he decided... he has to do something to stop the rumours... but how... suddenly he remembered what Seungkwan said...
the interviews

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○Soobin's pov○

It's 1 pm right now... Kai is on a call with his mom, Taehyun is playing video games with Beomgyu and Yeonjun is watching TV...

I called Seungkwan hyung to tell him to accept one of the interviews... I'm going to stop these goddamn rumours, and will say everything about my relationship with my boyfriend... if anyone dares to say even one bad word about my Kai... I'll make them regret it... I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Seungkwan

.   .   .

"Hey Seungkwan hyung I want to talk
about something"

"Yes what is it?"

"Three days ago you said that there
are tens of interviews wants to host
us right?"

"Yeah right, I even sent you a
message with all of them"

"Uh? You did? Sorry I didn't see it"

"It's okay, you can check it now"

"Yeah, anyways I wanna go to one
of them with Kai"

"Oh? Did you decide which one?"

"Not yet, I'll send you a message when I decide it, anyways can the interview be tomorrow?"

"I don't know... I'll try my best, but you should decide what interview you want to attend to today"

"Yeah don't worry about that"

"Okay... if you want anything else just call me"

"Will do"

.   .   .

I hung up to see Kai sitting next to me on the bed

"Soobinnie hyung... is there anything new?" He asked calmly

"Yea... we'll be attending to an interview tomorrow" I replied

"What? When? And why so fast?" He asked

"I wanna stop these rumours... I told Seungkwan hyung to make the interview tomorrow... is that fine?" I asked

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