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"Beomgyu get up, YAAA GET UP" Soobin was yelling to wake up the sleeping boy next to him

"Junie 5 more minutes please" Beomgyu said sleeping


"Whaat" Beomgyu said waking up


"WHAT" Beomgyu screamed fully awake this time

"WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?" Beomgyu screamed excitedly

"I'll tell you when we have breakfast, and we're gonna invite ur dumb boyfriend" Soobin said which made Beomgyu pout

"Nooo hyuung please I wanna know noww, and Yeonjunnie won't even come he's mad at me for no reason" Beomgyu said pouting

"Well he's not mad at me, I'm making breakfast go shower, I'll also call Yeonjun so be quick" Soobin said

"Ok hyung" Beomgyu said sadly as he went to the bathroom

Soobin was done making breakfast and now was calling Yeonjun

"FINALLY YOU PICKED UP, GOOD MORNING DUMMY" Soobin said through the phone

"What do you want Soobin it's fucking 8 am, I wanna sleep" Yeonjun said sleepy

"Come to the kitchen, we're all gonna have breakfast together, and I have some news to tell you so be quick"

"You could've come to my room and woke me up instead of calling, you know?" Yeonjun said annoyed

"Yeah, but I'm too lazy to get to your room"Soobin said then hung up without even waiting for the other to answer

After 10 minutes Yeonjun was in the kitchen, looking at the two boys that were sitting and waiting for him

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□Yeonjun's Pov□

"Soobin you dork it's 8 am!!" I said annoyed, I was sleepy as hell

"Come here Yeonjun sit down" said Beomgyu, he looks extra good today, why is he so tiny, his eyes are glowing, his lips are pink, his hair is wet, he looks so eatable. . . I have to resist, he'll be officially mine in a few days

"Uhh- are you gonna sit or-" he said looking confused, he's adorable

"Oh yea yea" I said as I sat next to Soobin, infront of him were some pancakes and fruits placed on the table

"What took you so long?" He asked raising as eyebrow looking at me

"Nothing, what did you want to talk about" I asked wanting to know what is worth waking me up AT 8 AM

"Oh yea, first let's eat and then I'lltalk" Soobin said holding my plate and placing some pancakes on it

"So tell me when are we going?" Beomgyu said then took a bite of his pancakes

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