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"Yes he will play, he is the best at playing piano" Beomgyu said, winking to Soobin, he has a good plan

Beomgyu quickly went on YouTube and searched for a Beethoven piano playing, they can trick Kai and Taehyun, Soobin could pretend to play while they play the beethoven music and they won't find out, perfect plan. . .

"Wait Soobin I need your help with something first" Beomgyu said and went to the bathroom

"Oh, I'll go see what he wants real quick then I'll play you piano" Soobin said while winking to Kai then went to the bathroom with Beomgyu

"ARE YOU CRAZY WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU SAID THAT I CAN PLAY???" Soobin whispered screamed to Beomgyu in the bathroom

"Shush they'll hear you, I have a plan, see this?" He said showing Soobin the Beethoven piano playing, Soobin nodded

"I can stand next you when you 'play' and I'll play this video and put my phone under the piano while you pretend to play and hopefully they won't notice" Beomgyu explained his plan

"Oh my god Beomgyu you're a genius, LET'S GO WE CAN DO THAT" Soobin said dragging the boy with him to 'play piano'

"Ok we're done, who wants to listen to my amazing piano playing?" Soobin said excitedly

"MEEE" Kai screamed happily

"And you will get it cutie" Soobin said sitting on the piano chair to play piano

"Okay are you ready?" Soobin asked them when Beomgyu showed him that the Beethoven video is ready to be played

"YES YES I'M READY" Kai said happily
"Sure" Taehyun said
"YEAAAH" Beomgyu said
"Let's get it" Yeonjun said

All of them said at the same time, Yeonjun didn't know anything about the plan but he knew that the two had a plan in mind

Soobin started pretending to play while Beomgyu started the video and for someone who doesn't play piano like Taehyun it might fool him, and it actually did, Taehyun was impressed, he didn't know that Soobin had a talent in something other than acting and beingan asshole, Yeonjun was surprised he didn't know what they did to make Soobin play this good, he knows that he doesn't play piano, how did they do that.

On the other hand, Kai was so confused, is the piano that Soobin was playing broken? Is Soobin broken?? He was playing the wrong keys AND WHAT'S EVEN WEIRDER IS THAT THE WRONG KEYS WERE SOUNDING WRONG, how is he even getting the music right, he's playing wrong, Kai was good at piano, he started playing piano at the age of 9, he's a professional now, he knows what sound do each key give and the keys Soobin was playing were giving wrong sounds, he has to figure out what's going on.

"Soobin hyung stop" Kai said with confused looks

"Why?" Soobin asked worriedly while pretending to play

"There is something wrong with this piano stop" Kai said then both Soobin and Beomgyu stopped what they were doing to listen to what Kai has to say

"What is it?" Soobin asked

"This piano is broken, how did you get these sounds out of the wrong keys?" When Kai spoke Soobin and Beomgyu's faces went pale, shit he found out that they were lying, they're screwed

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