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I was in my bed waiting for Yeonjun and Beomgyu, it was now 6:57 pm and they haven't arrived ye- I heard the doorbell and went to open, I saw the couple holding hands outside my house

"come on in"
I said to them and then they walked into the house

"Hey Soobinnie hyung" Beomgyu said smiling

"he Gyu" I said back

"Sorry about earlier I picked up by an accident" Yeonjun said

"OMG YEONJUN SHUT UP WHY DID YOU REMIND ME" I screamed and Yeonjun laughed while Beomgyu was blushing and slapping Yeonjun's hand

"I hate you" Beomgyu whispered to Yeonjun

"love you more my angel" Yeonjun whispered back

"you know I can hear you right?" I asked, Yeonjun just glared at me.

"So why did you invite us" Yeonjun asked

"Oh yeah, guys I think I'm going crazy" I said

"What, why?, what's wrong?" Beomgyu said with worried looks

"Yesterday I had a dream of a guy that looks like snow white and-" then Yeonjun cut me off



"Thanks Gyu, anyways so that guy's name was Hueningkai" I said

"That's a long ass name" yeonjun said

"YEONJUN I'M NOT DONE YET, I'M SERIOUS, ANYWAYS that guy screamed so much when he saw me, just like my fans do, and then he said stuff like he knows me HE WAS TALKING LIKE MY MOM" I said

"What ? Your mom? How exactly?" Beomgyu said

"Ok so he said that I fainted and went to the hospital and made people worried and that I should take care of myself and eat LIKE WTF WHY WOULD I DREAM OF SOMETHING LIKE THAT ?" I screamed

Yeonjun looked at me and said " maybe he's a ghost OR MAYBE HE'S YOUR ANGEL GARDIAN, THAT MAKES SURE YOU'RE OK"

"WHAT? YEAH MAYBE THAT'S TRUE" Beomgyu screamed

"GUYS YOU'RE NOT HELPING, and you know what makes it scary?" I said

"What" they both said at the same time

"The dream was too realistic like I remember it like it happened in real life" I said

"I don't think so maybe you're just overthinking and it's all good" Yeonjun said in a serious tone

"No Yeonjun you don't get it, whenever I say stuff like 'I don't wanna eat' his voice comes back in my head saying 'you should take care of yourself and eat well' and it freaks me out"
I said in a scared tone

They both looked at me and then Yeonjun said "maybe you are going crazy and should go to the hospital again"

"And maybe you're becoming a psychopath need a therapist" Beomgyu said

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