Chapter 3

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<<Grian's POV>>

I'm standing in line next to Scar, waiting for the Professor to call on me or Scar. If there is one thing I don't understand, it is that our name is on the list. I mean, how did the professors know we would be coming? I look around, hoping to find an answer but obviously, there wouldn't be.

I reach my hands up to the clip in my hair. I had told Scar that this item-at least to me- allowed us to use our inventory and other Minecraft stuff. What I didn't tell Scar was that mine had a second function. Most people don't know this but I used to be a watcher. Actually, I was born a Watcher, but due to my interest in players, I stepped down and became a player instead. It's a long story but basically, I can break the fourth wall all I want. 

The clip allows me to talk to the Watchers if I ever need to. Although, I rarely use it because I want to do things the way Players do.

"Charles Grian Batchelor," announces the Professor. I flash Scar a smile, "See ya" and hop onto the stage. I have full confidence that I will get Slytherin. 

Hmm, hello Grian, I am the great sorting hat and I will decide which house you belong to. Let's see, Loyal friend you are, maybe Hufflepuff. Nah, hmm, you're quite smart, top of your old school. Ravenclaw? Well, you could be Gryffindor, you are a brave one. Though with all this said, I think you would be most suited for Slytherin. I can tell you want to be in that house.


I smile and hop off the stage. I have a bet Scar will be in Gryffindor, he gives me that whole vibe. Now, where was I, ah yes, the clip.

I grab my clip and remove it from my hair. Holding it out in front of me, I noticed the trim of my suit and my tie had changed to green and silver. Interesting.

I clicked a couple of buttons on the clip and a new screen showed up. Another difference between this screen and the one I showed Scar is that he can't see this one.

Looking in the chat, I noticed that the Watchers were already talking to each other. Reading the messages, my eyes widened. Poor Scar, I think he wanted to meet Harry Potter. (I also wanted to meet Malfoy) Disappointment :(

I put my clip away, clipping it back on my hair. I turn to look at the stage and just in time. Scar had finished his turn and his tie had turned red and gold. I sigh, even though I knew he wasn't going to be Slytherin, I was still sad.

He came walking towards me and I opened my arms out for a hug. Then I pull him away and give him my biggest frown. He looks at me with a confused face.

"aww, we're not in the same house," I say while pouting.

"We can still hang out," Scar replies, trying to cheer me up. I secretly laughed cause I wasn't really upset. I was just messing with him.

        "But you're in Gryffindor and I'm in Slytherin. We're opposites. We can't hang out." I say, turning my head away. Then, turning my head slightly, I take a peek at his face. I was about to say I was joking when he asked...

        "Why not."

"I was joking, Scar," I tell him, "Of course, we can still hang out. We just need to make sure Mr. Grumpy doesn't hear of this." I finish, giving him a wink. We wave goodbye and walk to our table. I wonder if I should tell Scar that Harry Potter doesn't exist in this timeline.

"Hi, Nice to meet you. I'm Kepila." I jumped like a spoked cat and landed on my feet. Turning around, I look at the girl. She had a similar outfit to mine except she wore a flower clip on her head instead of what I wore. She had blueish-green eyes and dark brown hair. I look at her and then stretch out my hand for a good old fashion handshake, "Hi, I'm Grian."

And that's how I made a new friend.

A/N: Sorry this is really short. I don't really have an excuse except that I'm lazy. I often start writing a book and then after a few chapters, give up. I'm going to try to finish this one though. Anyways, if you enjoy this, feel free to follow or vote. Thanks and have a great

Scar and Grian goes into the Harry Potter Universe(sorry, lost motivation again)Where stories live. Discover now