Chapter 4- Xelqua's Past

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Watchers of all ranks and all ages gathered to watch the birth of a new watcher. Watchers are a strange species. Every century, a shower of shooting stars falls from the sky, symbolling the birth of the new generation of watchers. Watchers live for many hundreds of years and return back to the sky as clusters of stardust. Today's shower just happens to hold a special little boy who will change the way watchers interact with players. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One by one, the stars collided with the platform, each shining with a bright purple aura. The High Watcher, a democratically elected leader, would walk towards the new watchers, unfazed by the bright light. He would gently hold the other watcher's hand and close his eyes before gifting the watcher with their new name. Finally, the last star came down, and the light shined brighter than ever recorded in history. As the High Watcher walked towards the timid being, a small voice flew past the creature's ear telling him to name the boy Xelqua. Years passed and the once timid child had grown into a very sociable child. He had excelled in many of his subjects, and he was the best flyer around. By age 12, he had already beaten the previous record by 5 seconds which was an impressive feat for a 12-year-old child. He managed to beat it again at the age of 14. He met many friends and became well-respected by his peers as well as those older and younger than him. One day, the High Watcher called him to his office. Xelqua flew as quick as he could, causing one of his friends, Deo, to drop his papers. Xelque flashed him an apology and zipped around the corner. Deo sighed as he shook his head, bending to pick up the loose documents. Xelque continued to zoom around the corridors until he finally came face to face with the grand wooden door. The purple/violet door, tall and guarded, stood before the watcher. Xelqua placed his feet down, letting it slow him down to a full stop. He took a deep breath as the guards announced his arrival. The High Watcher sat tall and strong, looking over his desk as they opened the door. Xelqua entered the room and bowed."Xelqua, do you know why I called you here?" The High Watcher asked as he got up. He began walking down the stairs and towards Xelqua."No, sir," Xelqua said, his hand crossed over his chest. The High Watcher placed his hand on Xelqua and allowed him to rise.The High Watcher closed his hand behind his back and grew serious. "As you know, watchers are meant to look over server and help prevent glitches and bugs from reappearing. We are not meant to interact with players. Now that you are of age, I believe it is time for you to begin your journey." The High Watcher looks far into the distance and continued. "Follow me and I will show you which server you will begin in. The watcher there should be able to show you how to take care of the server. You will return after a month to report."With that, the High Watcher guided the younger one toward one of the many swirly portals. Xelqua took a deep breath and disappeared into the gate. Entering the new world, he was amazed, sure the end had many plants and animals but they were all shades of purple or grey/black. The overworld had so many colors. He wanted to continue exploring the new world but he was on a mission.Quickly, a month passed and he was to return to the end. He was so disappointed. He had enjoyed looking at the overworld and all the colorful plants and animals. He had become interested in how players interacted with each other and how they laugh and enjoy stories. He...wished he was a player.Entering the portal, he took one more look around before turning his back and walking through the gate. As he went back to the headquarters, he couldn't stop thinking about the grass and blue sky. After m After much debate, he decided to ask the head Watcher if he could hang out with the players. The Head Watcher denied it at first but Xelqua was stubborn. It was a trait that a lot of his friends complained about but this time it would help him. He continued asking and even started begging. The head finally agreed but he made sure that he made it clear that they weren't allowed to tell the humans they were watchers.To ensure that he didn't tell anyone, they had to remove his life as a watcher from his memories.Xelqua decided to change his name to Grian.Grian was sent to the player hub and he began his journey as a player. He hung around the hub for a few months, making many new friends. Eventually, he decided to start his server called EVO or Evolution SMP.When the watcher signs popped up, Grian, being the chaos machine he was, ignored them. He couldn't remember anything anyways. After beating the dragon, he was sent back up to the watcher.At first, he panic and thought he was kidnapped. They returned his memories and he quickly apologized for his actions. Though, in his defense, he didn't know anything at that time.He was then informed that another server called Hermitcraft had invited him.Grian was so excited so he accepted it. However, what should he do about EVO? He decided to do a "small" prank. It was a disaster but he didn't know.He quickly made friends with the new server and reunited with the mustache man he saw at the hub.Then in season 8, he met Pearl again. Pearl was... upset and displeased, to say the least. They made up eventually and just vibed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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