Chapter 4

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After that drink, Angela did not want anymore, but Tony wanted to make her drink to hear her curse again only luckily Bruce stepped in and brought Angela to the living room. Bruce left Angela there to get Tony. 

Angela just sat there not knowing what to do as her room was not quite finished. "See, how they abandoned you" she looks to her left to see Johann  

"Nice to see you again" she sighed. "You need to act in, you need to come in their hearts and break it"

"Give me a break" 

"I can give you a break when I can finally die" Angela rolled her eyes at Johann. "Wait and see" 

"Fine, but if I don't see any results the next time then-" 

Angela stood up and walked in front of him "Then what? Are your gonna kill me? Please try me" Angela said before walking away enough of his bullshit. 

as Angela walked into the kitchen to get some water she saw Steve there and wanted to go back to the couch but it was already too late. "hey Angela could I talk with you for a second?" Angela turned around and saw Steve standing in front of her. " like to go get Icecream?" 

Angela was stunned she thought he would say why she had been avoiding him, but she does not even question it and nodded her head. "Great, let me grab my jacket," he said walking out of the kitchen to the living room where his jacket was. He grabbed it and put it on. We then walked to the elevator and stepped in. "Jarvis outside please" 

as we waited for the elevator doors to open she felt a burn knowing it was because of the soulmate thing. She slowly grabbed his hand to stop the burning and tried to go back, of course, Steve felt her hand come to him and then fast went back where it was first. As the elevator doors opened they walked out and then walked out of the Avengers tower to an ice cream store. as they had their ice cream. Steve blueberry and Angela caramel went to sit at a table eating the ice cream in silence after a moment Steve began to speak up. "How do you like the tower?" 

Angela just nodded and said. "It's something"  Steve nodded not knowing how to build up this conversation. "Are you mad at me?" 

Angela shook her head and put her ice cream down. "I don't hate you" 

"Then what is it?"  Angela put her shoulder up. "Then why don't you like me much then?" 

Angela sighed biting the last ice cream that she had. "Because I heard some talking of people" 

Steve was done with his ice cream and put his arm on the table "What of talking?"  Angela could not say that she heard it from Johann, so she need to come up with something fast. "just that captain America lies" she said lying. "Well I can't say I never lie, but If I lie then It is for something good I promise," He said smiling at Angela and getting a fake smile back. 

Angela was so good at fake smiling that Steve believed her in a second. 

they went back to the avengers' tower and Steve want to train with her which scared her a bit but he said not to worry. Steve brought her first to Natasha's room to ask for some clothes. As they knocked she opened the door with an irritated expression. "I am busy, what do you need"  

"Well Angela's room is not ready yet so I am here to ask for some clothes for her to train with"  Natasha looked at her as she was behind Steve's huge body. She grasped her wrist, let her into her room, and closed it right in Steve's face. "Who is this little pumpkin pie?" she looked to Natasha's bed seeing a man in a red suit sitting with crossed legs and his hand on his knees waiting for an introduction.  

"Wade this is Angela, Angela this is Wade"  

"I know right whose balls did I have to fondle to come in Wattpad? I can't tell you but It rhymes with kamar" He said looking at something.  "Wade not know," Natasha said looking in her wardrobe. "What can I just say hello to the readers, well you have no manners Natsie" 

Natasha rolled her eyes giving me some clothes. "I think there a little too big for you, but I don't have another size" 

"I can think about one size," Wade said making Natasha turn around to look at Wade. "Do you not have an off switch?" 

"Yeah it's right next to the prostate... or is that an 'on' switch?" he said tapping his chin. Natasha sighed walking with angela to the bathroom. "You could change in here" Angela nodded and went into the bathroom changing into the clothes Natasha had given her. it was a black shirt with black leggings. when she was done she walked out with the clothes in her hand that she wore.  

"give that to me," Natasha said grabbing the clothes from my hands. she waved goodbye to Natasha and wade and opened the door seeing Steve leaning against the wall waiting for her. as he saw her he pushed himself off the wall as they walked together to the elevator. as they were in the elevator Steve began to speak up. "Wade was there wasn't he?"  

Angela said nothing not knowing whether to tell him or not. "I guess he was" as the elevator doors opened. They saw two other people in the training room.  

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