Chapter 15

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"I just feel like Leonardo DiCaprio"


they sat still in the car as Tony was outside because someone from work called him. When he was done he stepped in again and looked at Angela. "I really could have a cheeseburger now, you too? good because we're going" Tony said not taking a no for an answer as they began to drive again.  

After they got their food they went to eat in the car. They both have two burgers and Tony was already beginning at his second one "Good, right?"  

Angela nodded and ate her first burger, which felt like heaven. "I need this burger every day," Angela said beginning at her second burger. Tony laughed at that "I want that too but I don't think capsicle and Brucie want us to do that" 

"Why not?" 

"They think it is not healthy to eat every day a burger which is not true" 

"They can't choose for us" 

"Sure they can't sweetheart. Now we need to back otherwise they will start asking Pietro questions about where we are. 

they rode back and walked together to the elevator. "Tony?" 


"You're an Alpha right?" 

"Yes I am" 

"Then you can choose for yourself if you want to eat a burger every day because captain and bruce are betas"  

Tony turned his body to her. "It doesn't work like that sweetheart, do you know what a beta is?" 

Angela nodded. "Then you know that they can switch from moment to moment and can be very irritating, especially capsicle" 

Tony looked at her as she stared at the ground deep in thought, He saw a bit of ketchup on her face "Angel, you have a bit of ketchup on your face" he got it away with his thumb and put his thumb in his mouth. 

Angela watches closely as he does that and Tony looks at her the whole time he did that. 

he wanted to say something but the elevator doors opened and Natasha walked in and stood between them. "Jarvis, living room please," Natasha said before turning to Angela and Tony. "Tony do not forget we have a meeting over 20 minutes" 

Tony rolled his eyes "You always ruin everything" he muttered. "And Angela Fury wants to talk to you know" 

the doors opened and Natasha pushed Tony out of the elevator. Tony looked at her "Seriously?"  

"Yes," Natasha said before closing the elevator doors. "Jarvis meeting room please" 

the elevator went up and it was silent for a second. "I am not going to ask you why Fury wants to talk to you, but if you ever need a person other than your mates I am here for you" 

the elevator doors opened and Angela walked out. "Thank you," Angela said. Natasha smiled as the elevator doors closed. Angela walked into the meeting room. "Miss Herrara, thank you for being here" 

"Did you find my brother?" Angela said as she went to sit across from him. "I must say he is hard to find, but we know he is in New York and he is working in one of the hospitals"  

"Great so we just go to that hospital" 

"Not so fast miss Herrara, the first time we found your brother he just teleported away, and couldn't find him for 5 months" 

"Not if he sees me" Angela stood up. "Let me go to that hospital and I will assure you, you can talk to him"  

 Fury nodded "And what are you going to tell your mates?" 

Angela was confused by this "Just tell them the truth" 

"Oh really? just like you said your last name wasn't Herrara"

Angela slowly went to sit down again. "I can't tell them.. my family has had a fight with the Odinson for 200 years, no one can change that" 

"Do what you think is the best option. Here this is the hospital and how you get there" Fury said giving her a document. 

"thank you" Angela stood up and was ready to leave only to hear fury say something "Wait!" Angela turned around and waited for him to speak further. "I need to know if your family searching for you and are a threat to the earth?" 

Angela sighed and looked to the ground before looking at him. "I don't know if they are searching for me, but I know one thing if they are searching for me then yes they are a threat to the earth" She walked away to the elevator not wanting to hear his comment. She looked at the document in her hand she opened it and read the first words she saw

"Presbyterian hospital"

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