Chapter 29

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"Is this not creepy?" Steve asked in a whisper as Clint was taking photos of Bucky and Angela sleeping on each other.  "No- well kinda it's cute" Pietro whispered looking at them.

"If you three are done making pictures get the hell out of my room," A grumpy Bucky said in his morning voice as he still had his eyes closed and tightened his hug on Angela who was still sleeping.  

Clint and Pietro walked out not wanting any trouble as Steve smiled at them in bed "Is she still mad at us?" 

Bucky confidently shook his head. "She said it wasn't a big deal, but I know it is." Steve strode over to Bucky and boldly kissed him on the lips. "I'll let you two talk it out." He strode out of the room, closing the door with a self-assured click. 

Bucky looked at Angela and saw that her hair was covering her face as he slowly put it out of her face. Angela opened her eyes and looked at Bucky. "Good morning doll.." 

"Good morning," she said as she fixed her messy hair. "I want to cut my hair." Bucky looked at her in surprise. "You want to cut it?" 

"It's my choice," she interrupted. "I know, but-" Bucky tried to argue, but Angela gave him a stern look and he sighed. "Fine, I'll go to Tony and make an appointment for you."

"Thank you." She kissed him on the lips before getting out of bed and leaving him behind.

Angela had been thinking about cutting her hair for a while now. She wanted a fresh start and a new look. Bucky, on the other hand, was not so enthusiastic about the idea. He thought her long hair was beautiful and didn't want her to regret her decision later. However, Angela was determined to go through with it.

After Bucky agreed to help her make an appointment with Tony, Angela felt relieved. She knew he didn't like the idea, but he still supported her decision. She got out of bed and left him behind, excited for her upcoming hair appointment.

I walked into the kitchen after I was done making myself ready. "Look at that sleeping princess is finally awakened," Clint said smiling before hugging me "I'm sorry..." 

"All is forgiven, Clint"   He kissed my cheek and said I made you some scrambled eggs. "With ketchup?" I asked he looked at me with disgust "You need to stop eating with Thor" he gave me the ketchup bottle as I sat down at the stool by the counter. "It's delicious" 

"It's disgusting" 

I poured the ketchup on my eggs "Don't say you don't like it if you don't even try ittt" I sang putting it on my fork and putting it in Clint's face. "Eww, Eww, eww" He ran away from the kitchen as I laughed and ate my food. 

"You know jokes are my call" 

I jumped off my seat as I looked behind me seeing Loki standing there. "Yeez Loki you almost gave me a heart attack" 

"Don't worry I will do a mouth-mouth exercise if that happens" He smirked as he came to sit next to me only to make a face as he saw what I was eating "You just like made the food horrible to Look at..and to eat"  

As I was done eating loki still looked at me with disgust. "Can't believe you ate everything" 

I smiled and stood up "I can eat everything" 

"Here" Loki gave me a present. 

I look at it in his hands and then to him "Why-" 

"Because I missed your birthday even tho I don't celebrate birthdates you still need a present," He said putting the present in my hand. I opened it and I saw it was a box, as I opened the box I found a necklace in it, with a snake on it with green crystal eyes.  

"It's beautiful Loki...thank you"  I put it out of the box and put it on with the help of Loki as it was now on me.   

"You are beautiful...and...I am sorry..for..last time" 

I smirked "Oh Loki laufeyson himself apologized maybe I need to record this" He rolled his eyes and said "You are something" 

I came closer to him "Am I?" 

He came closer to me "You..are.." His eyes went to my lips "You are an..angel just made out of heaven...made for me.." By the last sentence, he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me deeply as he wanted to explore everything in my mouth. his other hand went to my hip and gave me a sign to jump up, so I did. My legs around him so he had better access to my mouth.  

his hand went to my back for support as he walked to the counter for me to sit on it and he kept kissing me.  

"Laufeyson..." I heard fury in his voice making him break the kiss to look at him in anger "What?" 

 "I need to speak with Angela"  

"Can't you see we-" 

"I need to speak with him Loki," I said, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. I hesitated for a moment, placing my hand on his chest, causing him to sigh in annoyance before stepping back so I could jump off the counter. As I walked towards Fury, his stern expression told me that he already knew what the conversation was going to be about. I stole a quick glance over my shoulder and saw Loki's confused expression, but I continued to walk away with Fury, keeping my guard up and my eyes peeled for any suspicious activity.

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