Chapter 10

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"I have something in mind" Bucky smirked.  

"And what do you have in mind?"  Angela asked Bucky. Bucky still leveled on her level. "Well... I really am craving pizza, Do you want to make it with me?"  

Angela nodded. Bucky stood straight again and walked to the elevator. He looked behind him seeing Angela was looking at him but not moving. "Well come on then," he said walking back and grabbing her hand.  

Angela looked at where Bucky's hand was placed and blushed a little as Bucky pushed the button to the kitchen. Bucky looked at her seeing her looking at where their hands met.  

He put their hand close to his face and kiss the back of Angela's hand before letting go as the elevator doors opened. They walked out and Bucky went straight to the ingredient for the pizza.  

"I made the dough yesterday so that it will rise" Bucky grabbed the dough and laid it on the counter.  As they made four pizza's they cleaned the kitchen only for Angela to trip and all the flour she had was now on Bucky's shirt as he caught her. 

As Angela stood straight she laughed at how bucky looked at his shirt. "Yeah really funny, this is my favorite shirt," He said taking the flour off Angela's hand and putting it in her hair before putting the flour in the garbage.  

Angela took a moment to realize what happened before looking at bucky and seeing her laughing and that makes her punch him lightly on his chest but he caught her wrist pushing her closer.  

Angela looked at those beautiful eyes of his before flickering to his lips. Bucky took that as a sign and put his lips on hers, it was a soft kiss. Bucky bit her lower lip so that she will open her mouth. Bucky pushed his tongue in her mouth and was already dominating. Bucky let go of her wrist and walked forward making Angela go backward until she felt the counter behind her. Bucky's left hand went to her back and slowly makes his way to the back of her neck. Bucky's other hand went to her waist squeezing it a little.   

Angela needed to breathe so she pushed on his chest making him lose contact with her mouth. He went straight when their mouths were separated to the left side of her neck.  

Angela tried to not moan, but it seems impossible because of how bucky put his hand on her and how he kissed her neck.   

"Mr. Barnes I would likely if you put your hands to yourself and come to the meeting that will start about a minute," A voice said. 

Bucky sighed before placing his head on her shoulder and going to her ear to whisper something. "I was almost there to make you moan and I will when I am done," he said before looking into her eyes. He kissed the corner of her mouth before walking away. Angela turned around to see a man with an eye patch as Bucky walked passed him. 

the man with the eye patch walked to her. "Fury, nice to meet you," He said as he shook her hand. "Angela," She said. 

"Oh I know I've heard a lot of you Angela and I like to discuss something with you. Are you free later when I am done with the meeting?"  

Angela nodded. 

Fury nod in time before walking away. 

Angela turned around to look at the pizzas in the oven, but bucky did not put them on Angela did not know how to do that so she walked out of the kitchen to the living room to see if someone was there, but no one was there, so she went into the elevator and looked at the buttons of what she could choose. She made her decision and pushed a random button making the elevator go up.  

As the elevator doors opened she walked out into a hall seeing one door in front of her and next to the door on the side were their windows. She was too curious so she looked in and saw everyone sitting there and fury standing in front of them. She could not hear them, but Fury looked her way and then looked at someone and pointed at her. 

de doors opened and Steve come out. He smiled. "Do you want to go in?" 

Angela looked one more time inside before nodding. "Steve widened the door making her walk in. Steve closed the door and walked passed her to her seat in the front. Angela looked at where she could sit seeing that there were no chairs over. "Angela," Steve said making her look at him. "Come here" 

Angela walked to him and as she was close enough he grabbed her wrist and made her sit on the left leg. 

"Well.. what I was saying was that the next mission you can't eat all the food Stark some of them will be poison and I will not save your ass this time," He said and he went on and on about how the last mission was a disaster and that the only one who did it right was Steve, But Angela did not listen anymore as Steve snaked his arm around her waist to not make her fall. After some time she put her back on Steve's chest as she got tired of hearing this man.  

Angela put her head on Steve's shoulder as he listens to what they must do next for the mission. 

Angela then went to the side and came face to face with the side of his neck.  Angela thought of how bucky kissed her neck and came to the realization that she has never done that before. 

but she is still 16 and will become 17 did year.  

Angela still looked at steve's neck. 

She looked for a moment around seeing everyone paying attention to what was on the board. 

She went back to his neck and slowly put her lips on the side of his neck. 

Steve immediately felt the soft lips touching carefully his neck.  

Angela was slowly kissed from the middle to his ear. Steve's arm around her waist tightens as she kissed the spot right below the ear. She kissed again so very softly on the spot before putting her head again where it right was before she was kissing his neck.  

Steve felt as if he could finally breathe again and he promised himself that he and her will have a talk later. 

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