Chapter 17

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As she stepped into the hospital she saw a lot of people walking and some of them running. She looks at how white and big this hospital is as she walked to someone to ask about her brother."Hi, Is there someone named Micheal working here?" 

"Uh yes, how do you know him," the blond woman asks eyeing me skeptically. "He is my brother" After she said that the woman began to smile. "I will call him for you, just wait a minute"  

Angella nodded as she went to sit on a chair. 

"Angella!!" she looked to her left seeing a man running towards her. She stands up as the man came closer and closer. "What are you doing here on earth!?? Are you crazy?" after the man said that Angella looked closer at him. "Brother?" 


Immediately after he said that she hugged him tightly. "How could you leave me by our horrible family" She whispered. Micheal hugged her back"I am sorry" 

Angella took a step back and smiled as tears came down her cheek.  

"Come on we are going to discuss this over coffee" 

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