bullying part 2

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wearing your black trainers and dark tracksuit you sneaked out of your dorm and for some reason divina wasn't there it was 9:30 the time when everyone was settling down for bed. the sun setting behind the trees. it was beautiful! making your way across the quad towards the statue felt like it would take forever as long as you walked as slow as you could.you finally got to the statue waiting 5 minutes before you went to turn around.a bag was placed over your head. struggling as someone picked you up.these arms felt familiar,they felt safe remembering you were quite literally being kidnapped you started to thrash around when they placed you down in what seemed through touch to be a chair.

the people surrounded something as one comes up and tries to tie your hands behind the chair. forcing them to let go you hit and at least tried to kick the person binding you to this object."hey stop your okay"someone whispered deeply. they were next to you."just let me i promise to be gentle your okay we won't hurt you i promise we won't hurt you". you had no idea where you had smelt cologne like that sea water with maple wood musk it reminded you of someone.Kent. you instantly relaxed at the realisation that it was him if you had been kidnapped by someone else it would have been a different story. finishing the loose enough knot around the chair an your limbs one of the rest of the mystery people ripped the bag off of your head."hey what was that for" you fuss.

the room looked like a library old,musty kinda dusty with the dark oak bookshelves lines with gold plated lining mysteriously day old contusion purple books with a watermark on the spines of each and every one."i know it's you Kent,the rest of you might as well take off your masks" you state almost immediately the entire room is filled with recognisable faces "what in the super secret boy band disaster is this?".the room had Xavier,Kent,divina,Bianca,Yoko,ajax "this is your initiation into the nightshades we protect the school from any outside threats and have the occasional midnight skinny dip" you sigh clearly not getting out of this even though the ropes were gentle curtsy  of the lovely Kent  "untie me" divina looked at you with that one look "please" she then gestures towards you and Kent does as he is told.

"so are you going to join or not?" Kent asks somewhat hopefulness filled his voice."sure why not i mean i have nothing better to do."

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