a rough night

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================================================================================ A/N: i have school tomorrow and its like quarter to 11pm rn


tossing and turning you slowly lift up the covers enough to check the time, it read 8:33pm damn you had something to do with your boyfriend tomorrow.trying one last time you turn over to your left side and close your eyes waiting for what felt like forever you check the time again, turning over to see it clearly it read 8:36pm.only 3 minutes! you have got to be kidding. suddenly you have the bright idea to grab your blanket and the hoodie you stole from kent and make your way to his bedroom, walking out your door you hear other people sleeping like you should.

as you made your way to his dorm you hear the branches moving leaves rustling and the lake water running down the banks. the owls hoot as the crows squawk at the noise of your feet across the pathway,the crunch of the falling leaves from the ground beneath you rang in your ears as you run towards the lights of the boys dormitory hallway. everyone knew you were dating but some boys just didn't care about what you wanted and what you wanted was to be left alone without the chatter and gossip of girls or finding notes and roses outside your door knowing they weren't in your boyfriend's handwriting.

finally being engulfed with the warmth of the hallway you make your way to room 10 on the ground floor, that's the dorm your boyfriend resides in every evening waiting for the nighttime call you normally have,however this night you both were too tired to do anything so you went to your beds and tried to sleep.finally finding his door you hesitate knocking to hear if he was sleeping,hearing the sound of a video playing on his phone you knock.as you hear some shuffling as the boy behind the door wondering who it is at this hour.opening it he finds you with your fluffy blanket and slightly sad expression, kent ushers you inside as he checks if you have any visible wounds.

"hey are you okay"he asks concerned as you had just walked across campus at almost 9pm to his door."yeah i can't sleep" you say looking at his eyes,taking in his scent of maple wood and sea water "aww poor baby come here"he comforts and wraps his arms around your waist picking you up and laying down with you now on his chest,"your okay close your eyes"he sooths trying to slow your heart rate.closing your eyes you focus on his heartbeat,suddenly feeling tired you fall into a lucid state just conscious enough to hear him say "i love you forever and always"

then you succumb to slumber

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