sneaking in

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 the rule of boys in girl dorms was more than clear but that didn't stop any of them. especially Kent. He found a thrill in the danger of being caught by faculty just to lay beside you and fall asleep. the adrenaline in it was addicting for both of you, the wait was agonisingly long only to have his light knock at your door desperate for you to open the door again. desperate to see you.

you were yet again waiting. waiting for him, his hugs, his arms, he was everything for you and anything in between. your mind racing wondering if he got caught this time, the anxiety was getting to your head slowly, painfully you waited. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, soon to 30 minutes. it had been half an hour past his normal arrival. was he okay? thoughts of him in your head. what if something happened. no you couldn't think like that , he was just late, maybe he was getting ready.

the knock. the long awaited sound of his knuckles on your door. you scrambled from your bed to the unlocked wooden barrier between you and your safe haven. Kent was stood there with flowers in his hand, with a blue bouquet of Aster. your flower, the one you were picking the day your first formerly met. "I got clearance from Weems to do something" he said " follow me" he held out his hand to meet yours, the feeling was familiar you loved it.

 the two of you walked across the courtyard to the statue concealing the nightshades meeting room, the password entered actions done and the staircase revealed. fairy lights all down the bannister leading to the library itself, the bookcases lined with twinkling lights as well, on the floor there was a blanket and a basket. it had every sweet food you could think of, chocolate, cakes, popcorn and others as well. on the ceiling there was the projector set up, movies lined the screen with the remote sat next to the food.

"did you do this yourself" you said looking at it all. taking it all in. "I had some help with the lights and projector but other than that yeah" he said his gaze on you smiling, enjoying the innocence in your reaction. " go on the movie wont start itself" he laughed watching you eye the remote. you set on finding nemo, the introduction started as you both sat  down  on the blanket " nemo not that way" you whisper shouted at the screen. Kent laughed, his laugh, his presence was all you needed. he is what you want to keep, what you need to keep.

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