Jumping to Conclusions

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How we made it back first, I had no clue. But there was high tension when Alex and I rode through the gates with Karl and George behind us on their own horses.

Eyebrows were raised, drawn together, and pretty much everything else as hands were slowly making their way to personal weapons. I guess everyone was still on edge with what happened about three weeks ago. I don't blame them though. Two people you don't recognize riding straight into your home, I'd be concerned too.

I raised a hand up as I pulled back the reins on Spirit as soon I was within listening distance of the people hanging around the stables, "Friendlies! They're friendlies!"

Glances and looks were exchanged as movements were frozen and staggered, not really sure what to make of the situation. I hoped from me announcing that they are indeed friends, everyone could take a breath, but apparently not.

Phil came jogging out of the stables when he heard my voice and the sound of skidding hooves. He had his eyebrows raised as his arms were slightly out, pure confusion written on his face. "Kate? What's this?"

Immediately throwing a leg over Spirit's side to get my feet on the ground, I lowered my voice to speak to Phil. We didn't need anyone hovering around right now. This was too important to explain to every person asking questions.

"They are from a group hiding out in the community arts building about a mile off of the Black River route. They've been staying there for about a month. And Phil... it's a big group."

If Phil raised his eyebrows any higher, they would be straight up into his hairline. "You don't say?"

I glanced back over my shoulder at the guys patiently waiting on horseback before looking back at him. "They've been looking for us. A group of Fireflies sent them in our direction, looking for a place to call home."

The reaction was almost immediate from Phil. His shoulders loosened and his face lost all sense of worry and unease. "Why did you start with that?" He quickly leaned over my shoulder to take a gander at the new people in his town, "Are they armed?"

Phil wasn't a person who really understood the definition of whispering, so it wasn't really a surprise when George spoke up to answer his question.

"I got a fishing rod." He said as he stuck his thumb out to point it in the direction of his backpack.

Phil blinked for a moment as he leaned around me to get a better look at George, "It's broken."

"I got a broken fishing rod."

I couldn't help but close my eyes and press my lips into a thin line. George really is something else, huh.

"You sure about this?" Phil asked me as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

Either way, I nodded confidently, deciding to just let go of what George chose to have his first words to be towards the person who decides if he lives here or not. "Completely."

Phil took a deep breath and leaned back to wave over one of the stable hands. A kid, around the age of eleven came running up. She never really spoke but from her actions and hard work, I knew that she was a good kid.

I really should start to talk to more people around here, get closer to them. At the very least, learn their names.

Returning to his normal speaking voice, Phil said to her, "When the other advanced and seniors get back, send them to my place."

She diligently nodded her head. Her messy head of black curls bouncing all over the place before she moved ahead to take Spirit's reins, guiding him back into the stables.

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