Close Call

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"Here, catch." I tossed George a hunting rifle before twisting back around to grab another two for myself and Karl.

He caught the gun against his chest with both hands, letting out a huff as the weapon was heavier than he expected. "And what are we doing with this?" His question was strained as he rubbed a hand against his chest.

"We're going on a field trip." I said with a smirk as I handed Karl over his rifle. "So, grab some ammo for your backpacks and lace up your shoes since we will be going on foot for the morning."

Both of them raised their eyebrows as I slung my rifle over my shoulder.

"We're going outside?" Karl asked.

"Past the gates?" George continued the question.

I nodded. "Yup, let's go boys."

The walk to the North gate was like having two little kids ask every question possible as they followed behind like little ducklings. Except these were two boys well over the age of twenty and they had guns strapped to their backs and legs.

"Where are we going?"

"Did you get approval?"

"They are letting you out of town?"

"Yeah! Wouldn't you get killed if you leave?"

"What's going on?"

"Are we ready?"

I was about to blow a gasket when we finally reached the North gates.

In each direction there was a set of large gates that had to be pulled by a lever on top of the wall to be opened. However, both of the north and south exits had a much smaller pair of doors that were rarely used.

We used to use the small north doors to sneak out to the Baldwin place and drink and shoot the shit. Ya know, back when everything was normal and relatively safe.

I let out a harsh breath as I spun around on my heels to face the guys, "No. You are not ready. That's why we are doing this. And yes, I did get approval."

Okay, I can do this. I can be a good teacher. I can get them ready for patrol and in time for the ambush. And I can help the community out with the migration patterns. I placed my hands on my hips before continuing to speak.

"Everyone here, even the little preschoolers, are trained on how to shoot a gun. And those little snot eating kids are better shots than the both of you."

"Harsh." Karl commented.

"Truthful." I quipped back, letting out a deep breath before continuing with a calmer voice. "We are technically a clean-up crew. Which means we go out and thin some of the hordes of infected that migrate through the northeastern part of this county each year."

"This sounds a bit risky," George swallowed and raised his hand to scratch the top of his head. His hair barely moved from how thick it was.

"We will be a safe distance away from any infected, but this is the chance for you to have a real and physical target while, hopefully, gaining some muscle memory with a gun."

Both of them shared an uncertain look but ended up slinging their rifles over their shoulders and getting situated with the extra weight on their bodies.

"How safe will we actually be?" Karl asked as he adjusted his backpack while I pushed up the steel board that kept the door to the outside locked tight.

"Over 200 yards and with a cliff between us." I let a huff of exertion once I get the metal up and over. "I wouldn't actually put you guys in danger. Think of it as moving target practice, just outside of Jackson."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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