Antonio going in

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Antonio's POV

I was already at firehouse 51 at 2:45am and I was waiting in my car. Voight and the rest of the team was far enough to see me but still be close enough if anything happens. Ambos were on standby and some patrol cars set up.

Jack arrived with duck tape and rope ready for Antonio. He knocked Antonio out and wrapped and tapped him. Antonio had a tracker and mouse was watching where they were going and they went to a old burnt warehouse. Which was soon going to be a club that Jack bought a week ago.

They had a patrol car drive by casually seeing if there was anything suspicious. They saw Jack dragging Antonio in the building not noticing the patrol car.

Mouse found a security camera that wasn't burnt and got footage of Matt and Antonio. They were both knocked out and blindfolded.

Voight made orders to invade the ware house from all sides. They called for 2 ambos to stay in the parking lot with no sirens.

As all the agents got in the positions with swat helping, voight called the go and everyone invaded from all sides. Jack and his partners went running leaving Matt and Antonio. Halstead caught the guys from the back and Lindsay and Voight got Matt and Antonio.

Right away Lindsay called Dawson and told her the good news, Dawson was on her way right away.

Back at district

Matt was sitting in the break room eating while he saw Dawson walk and he ran too her hugging her tightly not wanting to let go. He asked her how she knew he was abducted and she said that led up to another story.

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