Paris hotel

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Gabby POV

We are literally at a five star hotel this is amazing. We got two rooms that are connected one for me and Matt and then the other one for Antonio. It's amazing there's one king size bed, a couch, flat screen tv, a huge bath/shower, a full kitchen, and 3 big connected pools with slides. It's amazing and I can't wait to explore Paris. It's 6pm and we are heading to see the Eiffel Tower all lit up and pretty at night. I can't wait I have never been here and always wanted to come here as a kid.

Finally it was 645 and the lights came on. It was beautiful the lights changed colors and had fire works later that night. We decided to go home because we were really tired because of the whole time change thing. When we got to the hotel we went strait to bed then I remember Voight had a friend here that handled ultra sounds and scheduled a appointment for me for tomorrow at 9am. I can't wait to see the little kid that's living inside of me. I end up falling asleep on Matt's chest thinking of good thoughts.

Matt POV

I end up falling asleep shorty after Gabby. I wake up to her moving weirdly. She might just be having a bad dream. I am unable to sleep so I'm just staring at the ceiling. 5 minutes later Gabby wakes up shaking. She must of had a bad dream. I comfort her and she ends up calming down. I don't ask what it was about cause I don't want her to think about it. She doesn't go back to sleep and just stays in my arms.

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