Are you serious?!?

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Antonio's POV

I'm thinking is that really her? Or I'm I just seeing thinks why would she do this and why is she in Chicago. Matt and Gabby need to get out of Chicago now.

I walk over to Gabby and Matt to tell them. "Gabby it's Melissa she's back."
"Are you serious?" She asked fear filled her eyes. "Yep and I think that was a warning you need to go somewhere she can't, like expensive." I suggested. "I don't have any type of money and missing shift. I can't do that." She says worrying. "Voight is allowed to send you away to protect you it will be under are money." gabby relived a little bit. "Where do I go though, where can she not go and what if she finds out." "In coming with you I'll have a container with any necessities if something goes wrong." I explain insuring her she'll be alright. "Ok how do we pack our stuff."
She ask. "Intelligence will escort you till you get on the plane to Paris with me.""there goes the romantic part" she jokes. "Haha I'll give u space but I'll still be close to protect you. we need to go now Boden knows pack up" "ok"

Gabby POV

I can't believe my sister came back to revenge on my. Like are you serious right now this cannot be happening. She's never liked me she was always jealous I don't get it though. Now that I'm on my way to my destroyed house I don't know what to say just going to pack what I got in left and head to the airport. It's good I'm getting out of Chicago so she won't be able to get enough money to get to Paris so I'm safe, hopefully enough time for them to catch her. I never knew what her issue was she did have ADHD and was depressed but I don't know why she takes it on family member.

I got all my stuff packed hopefully her last me enough time for them to catch her. I really haven't told Matt who she was but I'll explain it on long flight ahead of us. Now I'm on my way to the airport.

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