Babys first ultrasound

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Gabbys POV

After waking up last night of having the worst nightmare in Paris you could ever had. I decide to get up at 7 to get ready for the ultrasound. I'm so excited to see this little boy or girl inside of me.

I hop in the shower real quick and start getting ready. When I get out I notice Matt isn't awake and he needs to get up and ready. I run and jump on the bed making him wake up asking "what's going on." "You need to get ready we have to leave in 30 minutes for the ultrasound." I said. "Oh yea ok I'll start getting ready under one condition" he said. "And what is that" I ask. "well I haven't got a kiss yet" he says. "Well that's a problem" I say. We kiss passionately and we have to end it sadly because we need to go.

At voights friends clinic

I sign in and they said I'll be back there in a minute. I'm so anxious and nervous at the same time. Matt notice because I'm squeezing his hand really tight. He comforts me by rubbing my back but I'm still so nervous. Then they call my name, ahhh I'm so scared.

"So we will just put this gel on your stomach and start to look for your baby" the nurse said. The gel was cold I just wanted to see my baby already. She looked at the screen with a worry look on her face. I didn't I just looked up at Matt. We stared at each other until she got back with the doctor. The doctor look at the screen and said, "you are expecting two sets of twins." Woah I can't believe there's 4 kids in my stomach that's crazy. The doctor said "it looks like each set is together so it's two sets of identical twins I just can't tell the sex yet of course they are too young congrats." The doctor walked out and the nurse wiped of gel and said congrats and gave us pictures. We left and went back to Antonio who was in the waiting room. We decided not to tell anyone until later on.

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