On the plane to paris

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Matts POV

I noticed that gabby was showing quicker then my mom did and it's weird, what if there's twins or triplets, or maybe I'm just over reacting? Ahhhhh I don't know but I can't tell her I can't notice her baby bumb and she is 1.5 months along.

It's late at night and gabby is sleeping on my shoulder and I rest my head on her and think that in less that a year a mini one of us is going to be running around.

Gabbys POV

I notice Matt is now resting on my head and it wakes me up but I'm not going to wake up he seems so comfortable and I don't know if he is sleeping. But then the plane shakes, I look out the window and were above land but I don't know what is going on then the lights go off.

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