Well Im.............

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Gabby's POV

As I grab my stomach Matt looks down.
G-" When I came to find you missing I was coming to tell you
|matt interrupts|
C- "What"
G-"I wasn't feeling good last shift because I'm pregnant"
C-"Is it mine?"
G- "Of course"
C- " oh my gosh"
G-"Your not happy?!?"
C-"I'm more than happy and shocked at the same time, because we weren't really trying."
G-"phew I was worried I would have to raise it on my own"
C-" of course not I'm goona help you and be the farther I really never had"
G-" well where does this leave us"
C-"The engagement, yes yes yes I know leave work at work and the rest at home"
G-|sigh of relief|"this just made us stronger"
C-" totally, I want you living with me again"
G-" we have no shift tomorrow so we can move me in then"

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