Shaken up

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Gabbys POV

What is going on the plane just shook and I'm terrified. We're about to land and I want to get off of this flying death trap. We finally land and I'm glad to be off and go to the hotel to finish up sleeping. All of a sudden flashing red lights and then a voice over says airport on lock down no one in or out there is a shooter. I look strait at Antonio and he says "Not one of us is going to the hospital today." I know he'll protect me and Matt but I'm still scared what if he gets shot.

Antonio's POV

I'm worried that this is Melissa coming to get Gabby and Matt but I just need to get the shooter. I slip on my police bullet proof vest and badge and grab my gun to find the shooter and make sure no one gets hurt. I notice there's two other bullet proof vest so I toss them over to Gabby and Matt so they have some protection. I hear gun shots and run the way there are coming from when the others are running away. My gun is loaded and ready to fire if he trys to shoot anyone or if I come near him.

Matts POV

I watch Antonio run off after the gun shoots then I look over to where Gabby was standing next to me. She's not there. I look around and see her on the floor. Was she shot? I run over to her to see she's helping a victim who was shot in the arm and I join to watch her back. All of a sudden we hear one loud gun shot. I'm hopping it's not Antonio getting shot.

The alarm goes off and I hear sirens. "Lock down is over you may proceed to your flight or to the parking lot." I'm glad that we three get to walk out of here alive and I want to get out of her. I help Gabby lift the lady to the ambulance and the lady says "thank you" she most likely will survive. I grab Gabby by her waist as someone taps my shoulder. It's Antonio he's alive. He tells me how he found the guy and how he stopped the shooter as I see him getting in the back of a cop car.

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