heart | 3.0

36 3 0

she couldn't handle
the heartbreak.
he had left her
in the most desperate
of times.

where had he gone?

she wondered this
each day.

did he vanish into
the blanket of snow
that lay on the ground
outside their front door?

did he slip into the air
that she breathed?

is she breathing in
his being?

nobody tells her.

she visits one day,
his arms in knots
of white material.
his veins popping
for the needles in
his hand.

his neck was still.

his eyes, wary.

his body, mangled.

his happiness, vanished.

his mouth, silent.

his mind, loud.

her dreams, shattered.

her eyes, crying.

her voice, shaky.

her mouth, sobbing.

her tears, heavy.

her body, flailing.

her heart, broken.


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