Fools 1.0

12 1 0

Everything about you,
From your heart to your soul,
Has me in a spinning circle.

Your eyes,
blue as the sea
you'll be sailing soon.

Your nose,
not big by any means,
not blocking our lips from meeting.

Your smile,
it brings happiness into my life,
a feeling i'm afraid of.

Your cheeks,
perfect for small kisses
and loving touches.

Your heart,
a fast-beating lifeline,
for I have begun to need it
more than my own.

Your shoulders,
strong in the way you carry them,
planting kisses would be ideal here,
if only I could.

Your arms,
muscular nonetheless but
the only ones I want around me
for the rest of my life.

Your soul,
imperfect as mine.
indecisive to no end,
hurting me through it all.
yet I still want you.

Your love,
something i will never have.

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