alone | 1.0

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"do you ever feel lonely?" he asked.


i feel as if a black hole is inside of me,
consuming everything I knew
and will ever know.

i feel as if there is an emptiness,
an emptiness that digs a trench,
deep, deep into my heart.

what i feel isn't only the darkness
and emptiness,
oh no.
not at all.

i feel the unavoidable silence
that comes with every hollow heartbeat.
the tragic sorrow that dents into my skin
like a deep, meaningful scar.

not only do I feel withdrawn from
all of society,
i feel every moment that passes is full of darkness and despair,
in which i cannot undo.

you can only handle so much
until you decide to let the
solitary lay its cold,
pale hand onto your heart,
soul, and mind.


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