Letters to Loved Ones Pt.1

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To you, 

     I thought you were the one. The one to light my way in darkness. The one to take away my sorrows. The one who would force a smile onto my face when all I wanted to do was cry. The one to love and support me. I thought you were the one to spend my love on, to invest in you. When we were together it always seemed that there was never enough time in a day. But when you were gone, time felt endless. I thought the way you looked at me meant love. The way you kissed me meant forever. The way you held my hand meant always, through darkness and through light. I thought we were indestructible. I thought I could keep up with you. I thought you would keep my heart. We weren't meant to last but at least I thought you were the one. 

                                                                                                                     Love, Your Mistake.

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