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𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝘅𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗹𝘆. he overthought every aspect of how the night could go. "could she be back in my arms by the end of the night?" "are we only friends?" "is this the right thing to do?" "has she moved on."

he was driving himself crazy. he didn't want to seem as if he was trying too hard to impress her, but he still wanted to look his very best. he wore her favorite cologne and his tan Nike sweatshirt to match his cargo pants he had recently began to love. the boy had become a robot in her control — every thought, every move, every decision, every little detail was in her name. he stared at himself in the mirror in his room, looking at himself blankly. "don't fuck this up." He spoke softly to his own reflection. He was broken from his own little world as he heard a familiar voice echo throughout his apartment and an all too familiar — loud voice, Nick.

"Y / n!"

He could feel his heart collapse with every ridged breath as he walk out into the living room to see her hugging Nick — then going into Chris's embrace. Matt took notice to the expressions plastered on his brothers' faces — they looked genuinely happy to see her, yet more guilt filled his veins.

he not only broke his own heart but also his brothers. he wasn't the only one who had lost his best friend that day. after she pulled away from Chris, Matt had finally got a good look at the girls face.

his brows knitted together as he was finally able to register her appearance. matt absorbed the sight of her lips and softness of her cheeks with a pinkish tint, her doe eyes looking at him just above her big grin, shortly following her liquid voice — the sight was surreal.

"hey creep." she opened her arms and was met with Matt's body. her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands collided with her waist. this was the piece — the piece he was missing — rather desperately needed. her scent filled his nose, that same scent he never got tired of — yet it was like a nostalgic feeling swarmed his mind. Nick and Chris stood there. they understood. they couldn't even believe  y / n  was in their living room.

she could only think about how he had denied the last hug she had given him — four months later to only be back in his arms, to be in the hug she needed back then, was she so sure she needed it now? after everything he had put her through was it really going to be this easy for either of them. she never once blamed Matt, she knew it wasn't his fault, yet she couldn't help but feel a pang hit her chest as she met with the eyes of the boy she could finally recognize. the matt she fell in love with.

the group walked over the the couch, Matt sitting across from her with Chris on his right and Nick was on her left
"how have you been?" Chris spoke up breaking the eye contact between  y / n  and Matt. he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "i've been well, what about you guys?" her voice was like music to matts ears.
"we have been great! even better to hear from you due to Matt's tragic event." everyone smiled and all eyes were on Matt. he shook his head in shame and his cheeks turned pink along with his mouth forming smile. she couldn't believe her eyes despite all of the unfortunate dates, brief flings, and foolish boys she had experienced since she was Matt's — no one had ever impacted her the same way the blue eyed boy did.

𝐖 𝐔 𝐑 𝐋𝐈  •  𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐖 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐎Where stories live. Discover now