Chapter 8

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We were all sitting around the campfire I created while we enjoyed the silence. In the background, we heard bugs singing their nightly song and owls communicating with one another. "So, since you can fire bend... you should teach Aang how to fire bend." Katara spoke breaking the peaceful silence. "Oh! I haven't thought of that... I'm not really a good teacher." I spoke rubbing the back of my neck as I awkwardly smiled.

"I'm sure you're not that bad of a teacher. I'm sure you can teach me at least two moves." Aang beamed.

"Well, ok. I can try to teach you something."

I stood up and dusted off my clothes since I was in the dirt. "Come on." Aang stood up not expecting his first lesson to be so soon. "I'll teach you something simple, how to hold a flame and not let it die." We walked over near the water just in case something were to happen we had water to put it out. Katara was doing some chores around our camp while Sokka was bored watching us.

I walked up to Aang and I bent a small flame. "Hold your hands out like a bowl. Make sure your breathing is steady and most importantly, calmly imagine the flame staying the same size otherwise you might accidentally make it bigger. Fire can be very unpredictable so it's best to be calm and not let emotions take control." He held out his hands like a bowl so I transferred the small flame to him.

It stayed lit in his hands and was calmly dancing around this sent a huge smile to his face. "I'm doing it! I'm holding fire!" His smile is infectious I couldn't help but smile at how excited he was. "(Y/nnn) I need helppp." Sokka whined. I turned my attention to him and asked what was wrong. "Katara is making me get more firewood but all the firewood I got is wet. Can you bend the water out of it?" I walked over to him and saw his pile of firewood, they were all damp from yesterday's rain.

"Why can't Katara do it? I'm in the middle of a lesson."

"She said no, I'm busy." He imitated Katara.

I sighed and nodded, I looked back at Aang and caught him bouncing the flame around. "Don't mess with it! You'll start a forest fire!" I yelled angrily. Aang quickly stopped and meekly apologized, I turned back around to Sokka and began to bend the water out of the wood the best I could. Some came out completely dry while the thicker ones still were a little bit damp. "Thanks, you did a really go-" Sokka was cut off mid-sentence by Katara screaming in pain.

"Katara are you ok!?" I yelled as Sokka and I ran up to her.

There were fresh burn marks all over her hands. "Katara I'm so sorry the fire got out of hand when I was-" Aang was rambling but Sokka cut him off. "You did enough Aang." Sokka was visibly angry as he stared down Aang, this made Aang brim with tears as he ran away. "Wasn't that a little harsh?" I asked unsurely. "He hurt my sister (Y/n)." Sokka looked at me seriously and then started walking away saying he'll be back with something for Katara.

Katara sniffled as she put her hands in the nearby water to try to ease the pain. "Katara I am so sorry, I told him not to mess with it while I was gone." I kneeled next to her as I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. "It's not your fault. It's not his either, he didn't know." She stared at her hands in the water as they healed. "It healed!" I said shocked. She was just as shocked as I was as she quickly pulled her hands out of the water and examined them. The wounds were completely gone.

"You have to teach me how to do that!"

"Oh uhm, of course. I'm not sure what I did exactly. All I did was put my hands in the water and then it just... happened."

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