Chapter 11

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"Hey Aang..?"

"Yeah (Y/n)? Is everything ok?"

"I need to talk to you, about something very important."

"Of course. What is it?"

Aang and I sat on Appa's head as Aang steered us toward our next destination. Sokka and Katara were sleeping so I didn't have to worry about them hearing. I explained to him my issue in detail. "So now, I don't know if I should go back with Zuko to a place I never called home, go with my siblings to their home, or go to my old home and be alone." He took his time to think about all the things I'd told him.

"Well, for starters, I think you should listen to your heart more. You seem to be stuck in your head second guessing all the things you have going on. If your heart doesn't know what it wants right now, it will in time."

He smiled at me before looking back at the sky to keep Appa on course. "Yeah, you're right.. thank you Aang, you're a really smart kid." I returned his smile, this compliment made him smile even bigger even though he wasn't looking at me. "I do have one more thing to talk about, is that alright with you?" I questioned.

"Of course, it is my duty as a nomad and the avatar to help people no matter how big or small the problem may be."

Him saying that made me feel better already, he always knew what to say and the best part was that he meant his words. "So.. you know how I've been teaching you very small simple fire bending?" I started. "Yeah, and I appreciate it." He smiled again.

"Well, after that incident with Katara, I kinda blame myself for it. If I didn't look away from you, I would've been able to catch you in time. So now I feel like I can't teach you because I'm scared of being a bad teacher again and someone getting hurt."

"(Y/n), it wasn't your fault. You told me not to do anything while you helped Sokka. It was completely my fault, and I learned my lesson."

"Well, I was thinking about it anyway. How would you like a different fire teacher? Someone, who's determined to get the job done, to be the best, that doesn't turn away from failure?"

"Really? Who?"

"Zuko.." I mumbled.

"But he's been trying to capture me!"

"I know that. But, haven't you noticed? He stopped tracking us a while ago, it's only been Azula now. What if he changed for the better? Would you give him a chance?"

"I don't know... he tried killing us a lot."

"I'm aware. But, isn't the avatar supposed to believe in second chances and that people can change?"

"Well, yeah.."

"So why is he any different? What if you guys end up becoming friends?"

"I'll think about it, but how are we going to tell Sokka and Katara?"


We made it to our next destination, to find an earth-bending teacher in a tournament. Aang and Katara overheard it and thought it'd be worth a try. Sokka and I eagerly ran to the food stand and bought snacks for us to share. We made it to our seats in time and watched as the narrators introduced the first two fighters. Sokka and I were pumped to see this. I turned and looked at him with a smirk, he groaned knowing the face by now.

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