Prologue: Burning The Past

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Marinette POV

"Are you sure about this, Marinette?" Tikki asked as we stared at the bin containing all the pictures of all my former friends and my ex crush.

I nodded as I lit the matchstick and tossed it inside the bin, burning all the pictures of The Akuma Class and the scarf that I made for Adrien on his birthday. I felt tears pricking my eyes and soaking down my cheeks. But, it wasn't sadness I felt in my heart.

It was relief.

I sighed and was ready to go home until I ran into Red Hawk, who was on patrol. He looked at the flaming bin behind me and then back at me.

"Whatever you were burning away, I won't ask. It's probably personal." He said.

"It's not important to me anymore." I replied as I walked past him.

"Is it easy? To relinquish the memories of the past and move on?" He asked.

I stopped and looked back at him. His eyes shining with desperation, begging for an answer. I shook my head and answered.

"It's never easy. But, once you let go of the past, it'll be worth it." 

Red Hawk smiled at that and left without another word. 

"There was something odd about Red Hawk. As if I've seen him before." Tikki said.

"I get what you mean, Tikki. And yet, there's so much I don't know about him. Even after seeing Master Fu." I replied. 

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