Chapter 5: Toxic Ex and Past Revealed

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Noah POV

As I was getting my books from the library, I ran into my ex-girlfriend, Katherine McQueen. Her hazel hair tied into a ponytail and her flashy clothes made my eyes sore. As soon as she saw me, she had a wicked smile on her face.

"Well, well. If it isn't NuNu." She said.

I cringed at my old nickname when we started dating. 

"You don't get to call me that, Katherine. We're not a couple anymore." I said bitterly.

"I know. And I also know you have the hots for certain girl. Jasmine Abdallah Lavigne was it?" She said, smirking at my blushing face.

"That's none of your business." I said.

"I wonder how she'll feel when she finds out her love interest is a no show who shows up late to her dates and gives her a homemade gift on her 14th birthday?" She taunted.

I growled as my hands rolled into fists. Katherine laughed at my expression.

"Oh? What are you going to do? Hit me? You don't have the guts to do it. Why not go cry back to your mummy and ask her to give you some of her milk?" She taunted.

Her laughter was cut off when Jasmine tapped her on the shoulder and scowled.

"You seem pretty high and mighty for someone who cheated on her ex with a rich boy with a bad attitude." She said.

"Back off,  Abdallah Lavigne! At least I have a mum who didn't ditch me for another man." Katherine retorted.

In an instant, Katherine was on the ground, clutching her cheek as Jasmine loomed over her with a scowl that would scare the soul out of anyone. A jaguar ready to devour her prey.

"Get lost else." She growled.

As Katherine left, we went to the back of the school to cool off.

"Was that your ex?" She asked.

"What gave it away?" I asked.

Jasmine smiled and rested her head on the wall behind her. 

"Your friend Walter told me about her. How she's been dating Darius behind your back and how she's never had any shame in hiding it." She said.

"Yeah. And she only dated me because of my step dad's occupation. He's a neurosurgeon while my mother is a radiologist and a former adventurer. Walter saw it coming, but I didn't. I was so damn stupid." I replied.

"You're not the only one. I was betrayed by my ex, Sebastian O'Neil.  Diana Primrose, daughter of the two owners of a hotel tycoon, caused him to betray me,and spread rumours about how I sleep with men to get money despite the fact that I don't have a part time job yet. I moved schools after my guardian got promoted." Jasmine explained. 

She tugged her leather jacket as a sign of comfort.

"This jacket was the last thing my dad left. And  Diana and her friends tried to burn it a while back, but thankfully I managed to rescue it." She said as she showed me her faded bruised hands.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't worry about it. I've dealt with worse. The same could be said about those scars." She said as she pointed to my neck.

I realised what she meant and looked away, covering the side of my neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. It's just that, I've noticed those scars and I even asked Marinette about them." She said.

"Yeah well. Like you said. I've dealt with worse and paid the price for it." I replied, not bothered to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

Suddenly, a group of boys surrounded us along with a sobbing Katherine. Darius was holding onto her and scowled at us with contempt.

"You got some nerve to slap my girlfriend, Noah." He growled.

"I didn't. But, I wish I did." I replied, earning a shocked look from Jasmine and an enraged look from Darius.

"Now, you're gonna get it." He said as his friends advanced towards us.

One tried to kick me in the chest, but I sidestepped and slammed him into the wall. Jasmine kneed another in the gut and kicked him across the face. One managed to grab her from behind, but she headbutted him in the nose and kicked him in the chest. I punched one of Darius' cronies in the check, stunning him and threw him to another group, knocking them down. Another was about to grab me, but I rolled over their back and kicked them in the ribs, knocking them down while Jasmine gracefully evaded a kick to the face, followed up with a knee to their jaw.

The teachers stepped in and stopped the fight while the crowd were taking pictures of us. I noticed that Diana had a look of lust on her face as she left while Sebastian looked astonished. 

Something tells me that it won't be the last time I'll see them.

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