The Woman in The Woods.

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(Let's say this takes place around 1 year before the game happens. I'm aware Minerva got taken 1 year ago but let's just make it 2 years. I plan to do a time skip.)

I yawned as I walked along the path. I held AJ on my back, carrying him. He had been shot in the leg by someone, the arrow was deep but I got it out. I just need to find bandages and something to stitch it with. 

I remember hearing someone, some guy, yell sorry and run off. I hope they find their arrow at least. I continue walking. "Clem?" AJ says. "Hm?" I respond. "It hurts..." He says.

" I know goofball. I'll get you somewhere safe soon, alright? " I say reassuringly. I hold onto my knife tightly. There hasn't been many walkers, maybe someone was here recently and cleared them out. My legs are wobbly from carrying him for so long. 

A loud thud disrupts my thoughts. I look around, alert. I see a redhead chopping wood. She's really tall. Should I ask her for help or kill her and steal her stuff... Fuck it, I'll be nice.

"Hey, Miss?" I say loudly while approaching her. She quickly turns around, preparing to swing the axe at me but stops.

"What do you want?" She says, holding her axe defensively. "I- uh... I need help. My kid, he got shot." I say. She sighs. "Damnit...Come on." She says, putting down her axe by the wood pile she had. I nod as she begins to walk. I follow behind her.

"Need me to carry him?" She asks. I shake my head. I'm pretty out of breathe though, he's heavy for a malnourished toddler. "Are you sure? You look like you are about to fall." She says. I sigh and lower him. I can't believe I'm trusting her with this. I bring him Infront of me and pass him to the woman. She holds him easily. 

"We are heading back to the delta, it's a tiny base among a big group of bases. Ever hear of it?" She asks. I shake my head. "Well... Lily might make you stay if you get help." Lily? Fuck... If it's her then... " Lily? Does she ever talk about her bitch-ass dad Larry. " I ask.

"Yeah, how do you know her? " The woman asks. "She was in the first group I was in. " I respond. "Oh... Wait... " She begins. She glances at my hat for a moment. " Shit... Clementine?! " The woman says." Uh.... yeah? " I respond.

"Lily mentioned you a few times...she said that she planned to take care of you if some guy ever died. I don't remember the name she said." The woman says. "Oh, I'm Minerva by the way." Minerva says. I smile.

We soon reach a massive boat, it looks like a ship with metal reinforcements. " Woah... " I say, surprised. "That's about the response I was hoping for." She says, grinning. 

" C'mon, We can get your kid to the medic then you will need to stay in isolation for a bit. Incase you are sick or bit or anything, I hope that's alright." She speaks. Her voice is pretty raspy. "But I need to keep an eye on AJ..."  I say reluctantly. 

She sighs. " Here... Take this, It's important to me. You'll give it back when you get your kid back, deal? " Minerva says, passing me a picture of two girls. A picture isn't equal to a person but I guess this is the only way AJ can get help for his shot leg.

"Fine. If you hurt him, I will hang you with your intestines though. " I say. "Oh no~ a 5"4 angsty teen is gonna hang me, whatever shall I do?" She says mockingly. I roll my eyes. 

She brings me inside. A few soldiers give me strange looks, I wave back awkwardly. She leads me through the boat and to a room with a few beds, a desk, and a large cabinet. There is a polite looking woman sitting at the desk. Shes young with blonde curls falling just past her shoulders.

Minerva walks in and sets down AJ. "What happened?" The blonde woman asks. "He got shot. I pulled out the arrow." I respond. She gives Minerva a confused look. Minerva shrugs.

"Alrighty then, Clementine c'mon." Minerva says. I nod.  She leads me out of the room and towards a group of cells. She opens one and gestures for me to enter. I enter and she shuts the door behind me. It smells like mold in here. 

Minerva walks away and I sit down on the bed. Well... If people are taking care of AJ right now then I can get some sleep. I lay down. The bed isn't really a bed, it's more like a raised platform with blankets. I sigh and lay on my back, staring at the ceiling.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of the door opening and quickly sit up. A woman with short brown hair walks in.... Lily. She looks at me, a surprised look on her face.  I stand up, smiling at her. "You're... You're alive?" Lily says. I nod. She wraps her arms around me, I hug her back. She pulls away smiling slightly. "Look how much you've grown." Lily says.

" And you still have those old purple hairbands I gave you? " She says, examining me. "I thought you died when they abandoned you." I say. A sad look covers her face. " I almost did... Some guy found me, said he was looking for his family. I tried to help him in exchange for food but then he turned out to be a weirdo. "

" Oh... " I respond, I don't now how else to. " Anyways... The kid you brought, he yours? " Lily asks, sitting down on the bed. I sit by her. " No, my second group had a pregnant lady and after she died I sorta adopted AJ. "

" Thank God, I was worried some creep had got to you." She says, smiling. " Well... Are you staying here? " Lily asks. I have nowhere else... I nod. "You can share a room with Minerva, she's about your age and she was the one who found you." I nod again.

" C'mon then. " Lily says, standing up. I follow her up some stairs, there are more rooms that seem similar to cells. The doors don't lock though. She opens the door and gestures for me to enter. I comply, the room is small and has a bunk bed and desk. Minerva is sitting on the bottom bunk. Lily closes the door and walks away.

"Oh... Hello again." Minerva says. I wave awkwardly. "So, you're my new roommate then..."  Minerva says. I shrug. "Come sit!" She says grinning.

(Okay so uh... next chapter has a 1 year time skip. :)   )

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