Bombs kinda hurt :(

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I sigh and walk towards the Children's room. I open the door and see AJ. The room has 6 beds on each side with two desks at the end of the room. AJ is coloring an old coloring book Minnie had found for him on our last scouting mission.

 "Clem! Hi!" AJ says excited as I set a hand on his chair.

I smile at him. "What are you drawing?" I ask. 

"It's a cowboy!" He says, showing off the picture. He doesn't stay in the lines much and tends to draw a new drawing over the pictures he hates . Seems he hated the picture of a cupcake. 

"Lovely..." I respond, smiling.

"Do you-" the door bursts open. Lily speaks, panicked. "We are being attacked! AJ, get under the bed. Clementine, head outside." She says before going away. 

Before I can run Minerva comes to the door, Lily had already gotten outside by now. 

"Clem, hurry up. We are running away." She says. 

"What?!" I ask, scared.

" Questions later, get AJ and follow me. " She says, holding her axe. 

I shake my head. 

"Take AJ and run, I'll catch up. I need to get something..."  I say. She nods.

" No, I'm not leaving her! " AJ says in response. Minerva rolls her eyes and picks him up, running out. I run to the bedroom and grab my bag. I clear out our drawers, filling the bag. I then run to Yonatan's room and steal a fuck ton of joints. I will miss this room, it's near the boiler so it's rather warm.

The best exit, well closest anyway, is the deck. I can jump into the water there and pray my bag keeps enough water out.  I run to the deck, no ones up there...I stand near the boiler's chimney (idk what it's called) and enjoy it's warmth for a moment. 


I get flung back into a railing. What just happened?! I lean against it for a moment, hyperventilating. I bring my hand to my face to feel it.... It's wet with blood. I press it, something stabs my finger. Glass.

It's in my cheek mostly... The boat rocks unsteadily. I force myself to stand up. It hurts... Everything hurts. Fire is slowly covering the boat.... I need to jump. I look for a clearing and climb over the rails. 

Then I jump....


The water is freezing... I swim to the shore, shivering once I get there. I look around... It's mostly forest. I start walking away from the boat with no specific direction to go. I need to find AJ and Minnie. I walk along a path I find. Soon I reach a tiny shack. I quickly enter 

It's filled with many miscellaneous things... There is a mattress leaning against the wall in the corner. I pull it down and sit on it. I then lay on it. I'm so tired... Everything hurts....

I blink slowly and soon close my eyes.

Its peaceful here. 

I open my eyes to the sound of a guy speaking.  He's walking towards the shack. I quickly scoot into the corner and hold my knife in front of me. I stay sitting... Maybe he won't see me. Plus, I'm not sure if I can stand.

Soon he walks in. He looks around my age, he's wearing a leather coat...He hums as he goes and grabs the spears. When he turns around he notices me. He drops the spears in surprise.

"Get out." I say, holding the knife In Front of me. He nods and slowly walks out, closing the door behind him.

I sigh and relax. I take a moment to actually examine the damage from the explosion now that the adrenaline has worn off. My thigh, arm and cheek have glass and metal pieces in them. My back is bruised heavily....

Damn, this hurts like a bitch.

I sigh and lean on the wall. Im tired... Maybe I could to to sleep for a bit. I just want to rest my eyes.

I wake up to the sound of my ears ringing. I look around... Nothing has changed except now there is a massive pool of blood from my arm and leg. 

I hear running.... Soon the door opens. I look up slowly, feeling rather woozy. The boy from before walks in again. This time Minerva walks in too. I smile at her. She has a worried look on her face.

My ears are still ringing... It's cold. She runs up to me and examines me. I see her mouth moving but I can't hear what she's saying.... Did I get glass in my ears? 

I slowly put my arms around her, hugging her. She's crying... Why is she crying? She pulls away and lifts me into her arms. The boy grabs my bag.

They begin to walk, talking about something. This doesn't feel real. My mouth is dry, hair is in my face and touching the back of my neck. I'm sweaty, shakey, and tired. My eyes hurt. My foot is asleep. My bra is too tight. I'm missing a sock. How did I lose a sock but not a shoe?

Minerva keeps an arm around my back and my knees, holding me tightly.  One of my arms dangle it Infront of her while the other lies on my stomach. 

I sneeze. Ew. 

"She's losing a lot of blood..." The boy says.

" You think I can't see that?! " Minerva responds, her voice shakey.

" She's not going to make it. "  He says.

" Who... Who's not going to make it? " I ask tiredly. 

" Don't listen to him Hun, he's stupid. " Minerva says. I giggle.

My eyes hurt.... Maybe I should close them.

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