Why are we back here?

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I wake up to the sound of humming. I look around... We are in the dorm room again. Minerva and standing at the dresser, looking outside.

I sit up slowly, trying to keep myself from dealing with more lightheadedness.

"Minnie?" I ask.

"Hm?" She responds

"Why are we back here?" I ask.

"You can't travel in your condition and the delta's people were the only reason I wanted to go back..." She answers.

" Oh.. " I say, leaning against the wall.

" Ruby got you a diagnosis! " Minerva says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Hm?" I ask.

"Vertigo." Minerva says.

"Ew..." I respond.


AJ walks in.

"Clem! You're awake!" He says, excited. He runs up to the bed.

" Mhm, sure am. " I respond. 

"Am I able to stay in Tenn's room? Like a forever sleepover?" He asks 

I look to Minerva to see if she's alright with the idea. She nods.

"Yeah sure goofball." I respond.

"Yay!" He says excitedly. 

"Why don't you go hang out with him now? Clemementine and I need to have a very important chat..." Minerva says.

" Okay" AJ responds, walking out. 


" What do you need to talk about? " I ask, worried. She smiles 

" It's not really talking.... I just wanted to do something. " She says.

" Oh... Wha-" I begin. She leans forward and kisses me on the lips. 

I pull back.

"Not right now, okay?" I say. She nods.

" I...I have something I need to talk about. " I say. 

" Hm? " She asks.

"I'm leaving.... As soon as I can walk, I'm leaving and returning to whatever remains on the delta. I'm taking AJ too, whether he likes it or not. Are you coming along? " I ask.

" Clementine.... Why would I stay anywhere without you? " She says, her voice soft.


"If something happens to me-" I begin.

"Nothing will, we aren't talking about this." Minerva says.

" Well IF something does-" I say.

"Clementine! Nothing is going to happen." She says, her voice loud.

" Minerva. You know we don't live forever." I say 

" I will make sure you outlive me. " She responds.

" You can't do that. " I say.

"How do you know?" She asks. I roll my eyes.

"Please, if something happens, take care of AJ for me. I need an answer. " I say...

" I'll do it. But we are done talking about this! " She says.


" We shou-" 


A large sound comes from outside... An explosion. Fuck-

"Stay here." Minerva says. I shake my head.

She stands up and I try to follow her. The walls are spinning but I keep walking. I need to get to AJ.

I go to Tenn's dorm... They aren't here. 

I go outside, holding onto a wall for support until I get out there. I stand at the doorway .. it's so hot...I peak around the side. 

I look at the gate. It's in flames. People are gathered around the teens, they are on their knees with their hands bound.

I look at the people holding guns... They look menacing. I sigh.... Fuck. We are fucked.

I don't see AJ out there...

"Clem?" AJ asks... I turn around, panicked..

" AJ, do you trust me?" I ask. He nods.

" Then I need you to go out there with me... Alright? " I ask. He nods again.

I walk so he's behind me... If we got shot at only I'll be shot. I examine the Soldiers faces before they notice me... Two of them are recognizable.

Lily and.... And Christa.

Soon one of the soldiers notice me, he aims his gun. Lily immediately approaches the soldier and lowers it.

I examine Christa's surprised face, she has a large scar across her eye.  

"Holy shit...." She says, approaching me.

She's still about the same height...

"Christa?" I ask...

She puts her arms around me immediately. I look behind her at the surprised, angry, and confused looks the kids have.

I pull back.

"What- what are you doing to them?" I ask, worried.

I'm assuming they are the delta or even the Alpha since Lily is here...

"We are taking them to be soldiers." Lily answers.

" Well...wait where's Minnie? " I ask, worried.

" She uh... I haven't seen her. " Lily answers.

Lily has a guilty look on her face.

"No... You have." I respond.


"She got shot. She's in the trailer. You can go see her." Lily says.

I nod and immediately head towards one of the trailers attached to the wagon. I enter one of them and immediately see Minerva. AJ follows close behind me

She's leaning against the wall, blood gushing out of her shoulder. Whimpers of agony escape her mouth. I run towards her and examine the wound.

"Minnie, it's alright. I'm here." I say while taking off her coat and shirt so I can correctly bandage her. 

"C-clementine?" She asks, her voice wobbly.

" Yeah, yeah I'm here. " I respond. I take off my jacket and rip off the sleeve, fuck fashion I need my girlfriend. I tight it around her arm the best I can. 

"I..." She begins.

"Yeah Minnie? What do you need? I'm here." I say, panicked. I sit next to her. AJ sits next to me.

"I'll miss you..." She says.

"You aren't going anywhere." I say in response.

She shakes her head. 

The trailer door opens again, the teens are thrown inside....

"Clementine, what the fuck?!?" Louis shouts. 

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