Haha bonk

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We finally reach the river after a bit of walking.

"I hate water..." I say, upset.

"Why?" Minerva asks, taking off her boots.

"I fell a river once and almost died..." I say.

" Well, I'll help fix your fear! " She says confidently, pushing me in.

I fall, going under the water and banging my head something...

haha bonk.


"Clem! Hurry up!" Minerva shouts.

I follow her into the bottom of the boat, we store most things down there. 

"Woah..." I say, amazed at all the crates 

"I found where Lily hides the alcohol. " Minerva says, approaching one of the open crates. She pulls out a bottle.

"Whiskey." I say, reading the label.

"Yeah! Ever had it?" She asks.

"Yep, it's fucking nasty." I answer.

"Oh..." She responds, disappointed. She tries to twist off the cap. I take the bottle from her and pop it off using the edge of the crate.

"Here." I say, handing it back to her.

She takes a sip and coughs a few times.

"Oh God you are right!" She says, handing the bottle back 

I take a short drink, it's not as bad as the shit in the shed.

"Well... What are we going to do with the rest of this?" I ask, holding the bottle. 

"You can finish this if you want, I don't know... "  Minerva responds.

I nod and drink the rest of it. It's fucking nasty! I sit down leaning against the crate, Minerva sits next to me.

"Are you... Are you okay?" She asks.

I feel pretty woozy...

" Yeah, I think? I dunno. My eyes hurt. " I say.

Minerva puts her arm around me.

"You are really hot." She says 

"Thanks." I respond, smiling.

"No- I mean like in temperature." 


"rude." I say.

"I mean you are hot both ways- I- uh- fuck. " She stutters.

" You're hot too. " I say, my words slurring slightly.

" You need to wake up clementine... " She says.

" What? " I ask 

" Wake up... " She repeats.

That New Soldier is Pretty Hot. (CLEMERVA)Where stories live. Discover now