That's a lot of weed....

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1 year later. (AJ is 5, Clem is 16, Minerva is 17)

I lie on the bottom bunk of the bed zoning out when I hear a loud thud. 

"SON OF A BITCH!" I hear Minerva exclaim. I look over and she fell off the top bunk again. I giggle. She flips me off. I roll my eyes.

"Pfft idiot" I say smiling.

 "Shut up" she says, standing up. AJ had already went out to  help hunt, he enjoyed hunting. I sit up and she sits next to me. 

"I'm bored." I say. 

"Well, we already have our work done for the week. We could go steal Yonatan's weed again." Minerva says.

" Dude Lily almost beat the shit out of you last time you tried that." I say reluctantly.

 "Yeah but you have plot armor, you'll be fine. " Minerva says.

 "Plot armor? Alright miss 'makes everything a movie cliche', I'll go. " I say, standing up. I quickly grab her hand and pull her along, giggling.

 " Let go!" She says, annoyed. 

" Haha no, I need a look out." I respond. She rolls her eyes, smiling. Yonatan's room is next to ours, he's third in command which means he gets a little more supplies than people like me or Minnie.

I open the door as Minerva stands outside the room. He's off hunting so we should be fine. I open a drawer in his dresser and it's... Holy shit it's filled entirely with joints. 

"Minnie, Come look!" I say, amazed. She walks towards me and immediately seems the amount of joints.

"That's a lot of weed..." Minerva says, smiling. I quickly grab a joint and we run out and back to our room. I giggle as I light it, then I pass it to Minerva. She inhales slowly then pulls the joint away from her mouth to cough. She then passes it to me.

"Are you sure? I've never done this before." I ask. 

" Yeah, just do what you think you are meant to do. " She says. 

" I don't know what I'm meant to do at all! " I say. 

" Damnit... " She responds. She takes back the joint and inhales again. Then she puts her lips against mine, kissing me and blowing the smoke into my mouth.

What do I do now?!? Do I inhale or swallow?!??? I swallow it. WRONG CHOICE. I pull away, coughing. 

"CLEM DID YOU FUCKING SWALLOW IT?!" Minerva asks, laughing. Once I stop coughing I speak.   

"What was I meant to do?! " I ask. 

" Not that! " She responds, still laughing.

I flip her off. She rolls her eyes, smiling. Minerva takes another inhale from the joint and kisses me again. It's not really kissing, more like just connecting our lips. She blows more smoke into my mouth and this time I inhale it. I pull away and cough a few times.

 "Good job Clem." She says, smiling. I sigh.

 "That tasted like shit. " I say. She passes the rest of the joint to me. 

" Go ahead and smoke the rest, I gotta piss. " She says, standing up. I nod. She walks out and I smoke the rest of it. 

W o a h.

I sit with my legs on the floor and my butt on the bed. I quickly fall backwards, lying down. The boards that support the top bunk are moving. Soon Minerva walks in. 

"How does it feel losing your weed virginity?" She says, sitting next to me.

She examines my face.

" Dude you're fucking zooked.... "  I giggle in response. She smiles . Minerva pulls me fully onto the bed, lying on my back with my head on her lap.

" The walls are moving. " I say slowly. 

" Yeah... They do that sometimes. " Minerva responds.

She pokes my nose with her finger. 

" Boop! " She says. I go to bite her finger. I miss.

 "What are you, a piranha?" Minerva asks. I close and open my mouth a few times, making a small clicking sound when my teeth hit each other. 

I close my eyes, nauseous. I soon hear the door open and AJ speak. I can't process his words though, soon he walks out. 

"Clem, how high are you?" Minerva asks.

 "Doing good, how about you?" I respond.

 "Clementine... It was one joint what the hell happened?"  I shrug.

I open my eyes... I don't see Minerva Infront of me anymore... I see Lee... He has a bullet hole in his head. I quickly sit up and scoot away, hyperventilating. I back away from him, shaking 

I blink a few times and soon I see Minerva again, she's confused, worried, and a lot more.

"Clem- I- what happened...?" She says. I look at my hands, making sure this is real. They are really shakey. 

Minerva holds them.

 "Clem breathe..." She says. I feel nauseous as hell... Fuck... l lean over so my head is past the bed and I vomit. Its really red. I look over to Minerva and she has a surprised look on her face. 

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to, please don't be mad..." I say, panicking.

 "No- Clementine it's alright... I didn't expect you to react this bad. How About you go and hang out in the kids room with AJ while I clean this up, alright?" She says. I nod. I stand up shakily and walk away. 

I walk down the stairs, clinging onto the bar beside them. I approach the kids room, it's across from our Medbay. We keep all our kids there, it's it in the middle of the boat so they are safe from most things. Currently only AJ is staying there, he's pretty lonely. Before I grab the door handle I hear Lily speak.

 "Clementine! Come on, we need to have a chat." She says. Oooo I'm so fucked.  I follow her to her office, it's similar to what Carver's looked like but it's a lot smaller. I sit in a small wooden chair while Lily sits in her leather, spinning chair. 

"I need advice." She says .

 "From me?" I ask, confused. 

"Yes, from you. I need you to tell me how to raise a child in the apocalypse. AJ seems to be able to stay alive on his own." She says. Holy fuck is she pregnant?! 

"Are you pregnant?! Who's is it?" I ask, excited and worried at the same time.

 "Abel's. He doesn't know." She says, her voice monotone as usual.

"Well... Just give them rules and pray they follow them. Keep their trust and try to limit the trauma." I say... I didn't really do much but follow my instincts. 

"That's really all you did?" She asks. I nod. 

"I thought you didn't like kids." I say abruptly.

"I didn't, well at least until I met AJ. I didn't think children could do much besides leach of of people but he seems to do fine on his own. " She says. I realize something.... 

" Wait-  did you not like me when I was younger. " 

" I- uh.... You clung to Lee every second. I thought you were a good kid, a little too needy. " She says. I sigh. 

"Well, that's all. Go back to flirting with your girlfriend or whatever you were up to." Lily says, smiling. She's pretty much a Aunt figure to me.

 " She's not my girlfriend! " I say defensively. 

" Mhm sure... "

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