That's kinda gay...

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We begin walking... Well Minerva is leading me somewhere anyway. I don't know where. It's not towards the school though...

"I was thinking that... Uhm... We could go on a date." She says.

" But we aren't dating. " I say, confused.

"Would you like to? " Minerva asks.



" That's kinda gay... " I say 

She bursts out laughing. I give her a confused look. Once she calms down she asks me a question.

"Is that a yes or-"

"It's a yes!" I say, smiling.

" That means I can finally do this... " She says.

She stops walking and turns towards me. I stop...

She pulls me towards her, I have to stand on my tip toes to get near her height. She leans down slightly... She's really fucking tall.

Our lips touch, connecting for only a moment before I pull back nervously.

"You're adorable..." She says smiling. "You really do need to get that walker blood off of you though." She adds. I rolls my eyes and pull her back towards me.

Our lips connect again. Her lips are soft and gentle against mine. My lips part slightly as we kiss. She sucks on my bottom lip slightly. She pins me against one of the trees near the path.

Soon Minerva pulls away. I give her a sad look.

"We can continue once we get to where I want to take you, alright?" She asks. I nod. We continue to walk, now holding hands.

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" I ask as we walk.

" Well.... Would you still have your personality or would you just be a worm? " She asks.

" How would a worm have a personality? " I ask. 

" Then no, I wouldn't." She answers. 


Soon we reach another tiny shack... There seems to be a lot of shacks and cabins in this area. Minerva leads me inside. There's a bed in the corner, there is a window on the wall opposite of the bed with a table sitting under it. Two chairs sit at the table and a unlit candle is also on the table.

"Oooo~" I say, smiling as I walk in.

Minerva closes and locks the door behind us. 

"Can we... Uhm... Continue?" I ask.

She immediately pushes me against the wall, smiling. I lean against the wall, looking up at her. Minerva leans towards me, I put my hand against the back of her head. She puts one hand on my waist and the other against my neck.

"You're cute like this..." Minerva says, smiling. I blush.

Our lips connect once again. Her lips part slowly as she sucks on my lower lip. Her hand squeezes my neck.

Her lips are smooth, touching mine just right. I hear her heavy breathing in my ear and feel it against my face. The hand on my waist slowly begins to feel under my shirt. I shiver as her hand caresses me.

Minerva pulls away for a moment. She looks into my eyes, a smile on her face.

"Good girl~" she says. My eyes widen. How the fuck do I respond...she begins to kiss my neck, moving the hand that was against it to my ribs. Her fingers go around to my back while her thumb feels around. 

A small moan escapes my mouth. I bite my lip to keep myself quiet. Why... Why do I feel like this.

Minerva sucks on my neck, sometimes even biting on it. My hands feel through her hair. I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of her touching me. Her cold fingertips feel my body.

I breathe heavily, my head leaned back against the wall while Minerva kisses my neck. 

I slowly pull Minerva back up to my level and kiss her on the lips. Her tongue slides in after my lips part, giving her room. 

She slides it in for only a moment before returning to before. She then brings her knee up between my legs, grinding it against me

I moan quietly. She pulls away.

"Good girl... You really are helpless when you're alone with me..." She says, smiling.

Her knee keeps grinding it between my legs. I begin shaking.... Why am  I shaking?

"Pretty girl~" Minerva says. I don't know how to respond... Am I a bad person for not being able to respond to that. I haven't given her anything in return....

She stops grinding her knee against me. I need more. No I don't. Yeah- no shut up I don't.

"Are you alright?" She asks, worried. 

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to mess up the mood...." I say.

" It's alright honey, don't you worry about it. " She says, kissing me on the cheek.

Something bangs against the door.  It continues to hit it.... Then the banging multiplies. 

"Fuck...." Minerva mumbles, backing away from me.

"We could go out the windo-" I begin. There are walkers out there too. 


"Well we are stuck here then." Minerva says.

" Not exactly. " I say. 

I go over to the window and open it. A walker soon sticks it's head through. I stab it and pull it in. Minerva immediately closes the window.

"What are you- OH HELL NO!" She says when I cut open it's stomach.

"It's the only way we are getting out." I say. " C'mon, accept your fate. " 

I cover my hands with blood and layer it on me. Minerva coughs at the stench.

"That's fucking nasty" Minerva says, kneeling down by the walker.

I cover her with blood. She shivers at the feeling.

"smell like shit...." She mumbles.

"It's alright, you'll always be my lil shit" I say. She laughs. 

I stand back up and open the door. Walkers pour in past us. I grab Minerva's hand and slowly walk through them. We soon get out, there's only 15ish walkers.

"We are going to the river and washing this off." Minerva says.

I smile at her.

" We look like we just performed some cult ritual. " She adds

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