Chapter Nine

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Hi, choco chips, sorry for the late update. I know you guys have been waiting for the updates but due to some reasons or maybe someone, I have been busy lately so I couldn't update. I keep writing and deleting the chapter. Not being satisfied with myself. 🥺

Gave me some motivation for the upcoming chapter. Love you all so much❤️


Third-person pov:

Lillian is now done with her hot chocolate and coloring on a white sheet, Arlo gave her. She is super excited to do this as the many different colors were exciting her and she asked about every color to Arlo, and what each color gets called. Lillian loved the pink and blue colors the most.

Arlo is more than happy to answer her whenever she asked even though he has to stop his work and look at her every time she asks him about the next color. Arlo asked looking at his laptop: "So Lilly, I hear you're going to the hospital with dad?"

She stopped coloring and looked at him with scared eyes then shrugged. Arlo looked at her and saw her eyes holding a scary look in them. Arlo saved the file he is working on and shut his laptop then walked towards her. He picked her up making her gasp and sat down on the chair with Lillian in his lap facing him.

He cupped her face and asked gently: "Hey Lilly, Why you're looking so scared huh?"

She pouted and asked blinking her eyes at him: "You no tell anyone, promise"

Arlo said kissing her forehead: "I promise to keep all your secrets safe with me, My Angel Lilly"

(A/N: did this little Angel know that Arlo will be her secret keeper forever?)

She said nodding her head at him with a cute little pout on her face: "Mummy go hostipal and no come back then Sir be mean. I no want Papa to go like mummy"

Arlo's heart clenched at her statement because he knew this pain very well. He was just 6 when their mother died. He saw her struggling for her last breath and dying right in front of his eyes. He was holding her hand when she said closing her eyes forever: "take care of your little brothers, Arlo. Mumma loves you so much"

Arlo was the whole crying mess and didn't want to see Tartarus thinking she died saving him. He never knows what a mother loves for her kids. She can die protecting her kids and that's what she did. He understands this much later until their cute little brother changes into the person who hides his feelings but inside he is breaking down.

Adair is the only one who talks to him and takes care of him. Tartarus was always ignored by his brothers and they never let him play with them. Anteros is the only one who is a bit nice to him but he also couldn't be all nice to Tartarus because Percival tells him that he wouldn't let Anteros play with them if he talks to Tartarus.

Tartarus felt so bad and left out when he started to understand things. He was just when he understood that his brothers didn't want him but he was still always nice to them and shared his toys with them which Adair brought for him because others didn't let him play with their toys.

When he joined school his brothers, and all his classmates stay away from him because all of their parents teach them that Tartarus is inauspicious. Everyone knows what happened to Adair's wife. Adair always tried to make his kids listen to him and make them believe that Tartarus isn't at fault. Their mother died protecting him because she loves them and she wants to do it for her kids.

Tartarus was always alone until he turned 7 and he totally shut himself. He stopped talking and always stayed in his room. He just does his work and came down for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Arlo was 14 when he started understanding how much his brother was hurting and saving him was their mother's decision, he was nothing to do with it.

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