Chapter Ten

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Hey choco chips,

I have been busy lately I have been having fever for the last few days and can't write. Sorry for making you guys wait so long. But I will try to update soon again. Hope you understand.

Love you all so much ❤


Third-person pov:

Lillian is now sitting inside the car on the back in her car seat looking around nervously and playing with her fingers as Adair is looking at her from the rare view mirror with a concerned expression. He never wants to see this fear in her eyes, from him or anyone else. He never wants to see those early tears in her eyes, maybe from happiness but not from fear and sadness.

He will make the whole world kneel in front of her if that makes her feel safe. He is the king and he will do anything for his princess. She is a princess, his princess and she will get whatever her little desire. Adair stopped the car right in front of a big building named: "Adler Hospitals group"

Lillian eyes are fixed on her left but she slowly looked to her right when the car stopped making her breath hitch in her throat. She can't overcome the fear of losing the only loved ones she got just a week ago. She felt a fat tear roll down her cheek and she wiped it immediately when she saw Adair standing there and about to open the door for her.

Adair jaw is clenched hard in annoyance when he sees the paparazzi around the hospital blocking the way but his guards are already standing around the car in a circle keeping them away to go near Adair. Adair removed his coat and opened the door sitting inside the car next to her. She gave him a fake smile and he asked carefully caressing her cheek: "you good princess?"

She knows she will definitely start crying if she says a word so she gave her a thumbs up and Adair kissed her cheek: "you don't need to put on that fake smile princess. I can see those shaking hands and the fear behind those beautiful eyes"

She started looking down and Adair smiled: "I promise you will be safe until I'm here. No one can lay a finger on you"

She mumbled playing with his fingers: "I scared for you Papa. I no want you to go like mummy"

Adair said pulling her in his lap: "I promise princess. Nothing will happen to your papa"

She trusted him and he said wrapping his coat around her small frame: "there are some people outside and papa doesn't want them to see his precious princess, at least not right now"

She looked at the tinted window and mumbled: "I hide"

Adair chuckled at her cute thinking face and smirked: "papa will hide you in his big coat look. You just keep your head on my shoulder and don't look until papa says. Don't worry as I said, Papa will always protect you"

She immediately nodded and buried her face in the cool of his neck as he put the coat around her head to cover her face from the media. He will introduce her as their Mafia princess, the most important person in the whole Mafia world.

A mafia princess holds the most powerful position in the Mafia. She is the only one who can cancel the orders given by the Godfather. She holds the power of leading the whole Mafia. She is the only one who can make a Godfather go on his knees in front of her if she wants.

One of the guards opened the door and Adair hopped off the car with an emotionless face keeping his head up while walking towards the entrance of the hospital. All the paparazzi kept asking questions about the small girl in his arms while he kept walking not giving them a single glance.

Lillian ✔ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now