Chapter 3: Roses are red

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The person finally spoke.

"What're you doing in here? All alone with nobody to help you?~" He said, grabbing one of my pins and forcing me to face him

Holy shit, he was too close to my face. I just stared at his eyes, one of the irises was red with a white pentagram in the middle like a pupil, and the other was white with a red pentagram. The eyeballs were black. As i stared into his odly gorgeous and mysterious eyes, I hadn't noticed him slowly pulling out a knife. He quickly held the knife up to my throat.

"We don't necessarily like the quiet ones" He said.

"We like to hear them scream~" he said in a different voice.

"And all the blood that comes after!" The first voice excitedly said.

Tears started to form in my eyes as i watched him push the knife harder on my neck. I wanted to scream, i wanted to run, i wanted to cry out loud, but i felt like i was gonna die if i do. As the tears rolled down my faceplate, he threw the knife to the side and let me go.

I hastily backed away as he went into the vents. I felt my pin, it was bent and i was in a lot of pain. I didn't really care though. All i cared about was getting the hell out of there.

I ran out of monty golf and quickly went inside parts and services to fix my pin. I was reading my blueprints to fix it but then i fell asleep.

I woke up, in the comfort of Lunar's bed with Lunar standing beside me.

"Hnn....what happened?..." I asked, holding my head.

"Oh, Nova! Glad you're awake! There's stuff i need to tell you" Lunar said.

"Go ahead" I felt my pin, it was fixed.

Did lunar fix it? Did i fix it in my sleep? I don't really know, someone fixed it and im happy. As he was saying some things that didn't really make sense to me, ge said something that caught my audio receptor.

"And if Eclipse tries to get you to do stuff..." Lunar put a hand on my shoulder. "Run, don't stay to ask questions. Make an excuse and run. He will manipulate you into doing things and then belittle you when you mess up"

I was interested, i sat up and looked at him.

"Wait, who's eclipse?" I asked

"We're not who he says we are. My name is Lunar, "sun's" name is actually eclipse" He said.

"Oh, good to know Lunar" i got up.

Another week passed, two more weeks until Halloween. I had this really intense dream last night, hopefully i get it again! I laid down on the security desk and fell asleep.

I was in a bed, with someone super close to me, hugging me from behind. I tried going back to sleep but couldn't. The person behind me woke up.

"Nova? What're you doing up its 1:23am" The voice spoke.

Weird, i feel like ive heard that voice before. I laid on my back and just looked up at the ceiling.

"I can't sleep" i respond

I felt a little weight on my chest and being hugged from the front.

"Get some rest, we have stuff to do tomorrow" another familiar voice said.

"Ok, im telling you, that is dangerous" i said, patting the person on top of me.

"He's not stronger than us, right other me?"

"Yes, he is weak compared to us"

"Alright, just be careful, ok?" I closed my eyes.

"We will" he said as I felt something against my neck.

As i drifted off to sleep, i remember feeling this warm, fluffy, fuzzy feeling ive never felt before. I don't know what it was, but it felt nice and comfortong.

"We l...."

I woke up, my temperature has risen. I was still on the security desk. What was that? I know i can dream, but 𝘸𝘩𝘰 was that? They made me feel super fuzzy and warm inside in my dream for some reason.

I got up and went to a fizzy-faz machine to get some soda. It was broken, unfortunately. So i walked back over to the security desk and fell asleep. But i cant help but feel that someone is watching me.

Nova x Bloodmoon (S.A.M.S)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora