Chapter 10: Why........

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I waited patiently for Bloodmoon to come home. It's around the beginning of March and it's been a few days and I hadn't heard from him at all. He hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. Was he ignoring me?...

I decided to call Kc and ask what the hell is going on. Thankfully he answered, though, he sounded like he was crying for a bit.

"Hey...uhh.....Killcode?" I said, scratching the back of my faceplate.

"Y-yea?...." He responded.

"Can you tell me what is up with Bloodmoon? He isn't answering any of my calls or texts and he hasn't come home yet. I hadn't seen him since February...I'm worried about him..." I explained.

Killcode went silent for a moment and he said that he'll be on mute for a minute. However he forgot to put himself on mute and he was talking to somebody with a robotic voice.

"How do we tell him...he's a nice animatronic and I don't wanna break his heart" He said as i stayed silent.

"We'll probably say he got sick or something"

"But what if he finds out he's dead?..." Kc said

"Are you guys pranking me or something? Cuz it isn't funny!" I was on the brink of tears

"Oh....i didn't mute..." Kc said sadly

"D-dont tell me he's actually....." I said with fear in my voice

" so sorry Nova....."

"Y-you're lying! H-he c-cant be....." I said, crying.

I hung up and ran to my bed and just cried for the rest of the night.

Nova x Bloodmoon (S.A.M.S)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα