Chapter 6: Eclipse and Bloodmoon's fight

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It was hallows eve night, me and Bloodmoon were sleeping on a mattress that we placed in monty golf. We were both drunk because we had 17 too many bottles of motor oil. I woke up and noticed Bloodmoon was hugging me from behind. I tried going back to sleep but couldn't. The person behind me woke up.

"Nova? What're you doing up its 1:23am" Bloodmoon asked

I laid on my back and just looked up at the ceiling.

"I can't sleep" i respond

I felt a little weight on my chest and being hugged from the front.

"Get some rest, we have stuff to do tomorrow" Bloodlust said

"Ok, im telling you, that is dangerous" i said, patting Bloodmoon

"He's not stronger than us, right other me?"

"Yes, he is weak compared to us"

"Alright, just be careful, ok?" I closed my eyes.

"We will" he said as I felt something against my neck.

As i drifted off to sleep, i thought about something.

"Huh...strange....i could've sworn i had a dream about this- uh- bloodmoon! " I shouted because bloodmoon was drinking more moter oil.

"Huh?-" he said

I never knew until today that animatronics could get 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 drunk.

"Oh my god-"

"Hey, hey, Novaaa" he said, grabbing my faceplate

He baped my faceplate with his, making a little "mwa" noise.

"I love you" he said

I blushed, not expecting it. Ok, he's drunk, maybe he doesn't mean it like that. Yes, of course i like him, but things are going a little fast. Wait, he's drunk he wont remember anything by morning.

"What're you doing-!" He said as i sat up and pulled him closer to me.

I turned him to face away from me and i started giving gentle kisses on his neck. He was surprised, either about what i was doing or the fact that i didn't mind it. I felt his body, it was pretty warm, and i could tell he was blushing.

"N-nova!" He said as i started nibbling a bit.

Sometimes, being made of nanos was a blessing. Actually, when has it not been a blessing? He turned around to face me and laid his head on my chest.

"My head hurts...." He said, whining a bit.

He must be pre-hungover, he should get some rest, after all, he's gonna fight Eclipse tomorrow. Im glad Bloodlust fell asleep before i started doing that. Actually now that i think about it, i should have made sure he was asleep before i started doing things. I laid back down and immediately fell asleep, it was like my body was like: 'welp, you did that, now ima let you sleep'

I woke up, yay! Its Halloween! Wait, its Halloween. Bloodmoon and Eclipse are gonna fight today. I looked over and Bloodmoon was still sleeping. I poked him, he's still asleep. I shook him and he kept on sleeping

"Five more minutes..." He groaned and turned around.

I got up and looked at my clock to see what time it was. Oh shoot, it's 12:42! I have to wake him up, but how!? I got an idea. I got two frying pans and banged them as hard and fast as i could. He STILL didn't wake up. So, i got on top of him and poured some cold water on him.

"Gah! Nova-" He paused.

He blushed and just looked into my eyes. He looked like he wanted to eat me, or kiss me, or both, or maybe im just thinking too deep into it and he's just tired. To be honest i want him to kiss me. I rolled back off of the bed.

"It's time for you guys's fight!" I said, jumping back to my feet.

He sighed and nodded. I'm still kind of worried for him though. As he started to walk out, he stopped and looked at me.

"Nova, there's something i wanna tell you after ive won" he said, confidently.

I nodded and he headed out of gator golf. I wonder what he's gonna tell me when he gets back.

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