Chapter 7

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From there, I realised that I had made my first friend ever since I woke up. I guess I'll be starting my life from here. I don't know when I'll get my memories back but I get the feeling that I'll be alright because i have kou. Although, I can't shake off the feeling that someone's waiting me.

~end of recap~
Narrator: it's been two years since Haruka has been in the hospital and discovering that she has amnesia. How is she doing? Let's take a look.

" la la la" I sang as i write down the last notes to my song on the music sheet.
I was in my hospital bedroom that became my permanent bedroom ever since my accident. As always im here on my bed writing more song that i always do every morning. It sounds boring but its quite fun. Its quiet and peaceful.
* giggles*
Well, almost peaceful. I heard little children giggles coming from every corner of the room so I listened careful to the voices. Some of the voices were coming from under my bed so I slowly and quietly came out from my covers then crawled over to the side of the bed and...
" boo!!" I shouted as I popped my head out from on top of the bed to see under the bed.
As I did that, a swarm of children screaming and laughing crawled out from under the bed and gave me a hug. I couldn't help but laugh.
" good morning, star!" said the children all at once.
" Good morning to you too." I said.
" Star! Let's play a game today with you and kou!" Suggested one of the children.
" Oh, you know I wanted to but me and kou have college lectures to attend to after breakfast."
The children "awed" in disappointment.
As I saw their sad looking faces, I couldn't help but tried to come up with an idea to make things better for all of us. So I said...
" I know, why don't you guys decided on a game that we all could play when I get back, okay?"
As I said that, the children lift up their faces and screamed "okay!!" with smiles on their faces.
" Let's play ' Ugly princess '" said one of the children.
" Oh no, we are not playing that again. Not after that incident with the gum on my hair. I mean, do you know how hard it is to get gum out of my long hair." I said.
" I know let's play pirates!" Said one kid.
" no, let's play knights!" Said another.
After all that, the kids started to scream out on what they wanted to play but it was getting to noisy so I whispered...
" Okay, okay, I get it but please can you keep it down."
" Why are you whispering,star?" Asked one of the children.
" Well, we don't want to wake up kou from his sleep because you know how he gets when you wake him up."
" Too late now! " screamed Kou while pushing the separation curtains to the side. The children screamed and ran out the door while I laughed throughout the whole thing.
The room was finally quiet once again. I got out of my bed and walked towards kou and said sarcastically...
" Did you sleep well?"
" What do you think?" He said with a " duh" look.
I laughed because I could totally tell that he didn't sleep well by Judging those bags under his eyes. I'm guessing he had a bad dream again so I had to ask.
" So what is it this time?"
" Just the usually, I see my childhood self standing in the middle of the darkness calling out to my mother and father while crying." He said calmly as if it didn't bother anymore while he scratches his head.
" That must've been horrible?" I said with a worried look.
" Not really, In the end there was a light with a hand reaching out to me and when I looked up to see the face, it was girl smiling at me while telling me that everything was going to be alright."
" Anything idea who was the girl?"
" It was y.." he paused.
" It was who?" I asked while tilting my head and looking at kou.
" It was nobody. Come on, where going to be late for lectures." He finally said while he hurriedly walked out of the room with his face all red.
As he left, I thought to myself that it was definitely some he knows but I'm not resting until I find out who she is. So I ran right after him while screaming...
" Wait, Kou, tell me who she is!"
Meanwhile in Tokyo at the agency...
* doors open*
" Sorry we're late." Said Tokiya while still out of breath.
" Wow! It took you guys five minutes to get here, right after I said Haruka's name." Said Ringo sensei with a giggle as she was sitting on a couch in the agency lobby.
Right after she said that the boys blushed. Everyone of them was redder than the last. Though they tried very hard to hind it.
" So have you heard from her? " ask ed ittoki
" My, aren't we so eager today but sadly no. although If i had, i would have told you guys sooner. Besides it was the only way to get you guys here." Ringo sensei answered.
As soon as they heard that, their expressions suddenly changed. Ringo sensei had taken noticed of it so she tried to enlighten the mood by telling them why she asked them to be here in the first place.
" Okay boys, don't look so down. Besides I haven't even told you, why I called you guys here, yet."
" So why did you call us here?" Asked Natsuki.
" Well, I'm here to tell you that you all are going on a business trip." Answered ringo.
" Ugh, again!" Groaned syo.
Ringo giggles.
" I knew that you might say that but I think you guys are going to like this one."
" Where are we going?" Asked Hijiriawa
" You're going to New york!" She screamed as confetti cannons exploded everywhere with a sign that says New York.
" Eh!? Really!?" Asked ittoki
" Yes! I already made arrangements. You're leaving the day after tomorrow so that gives plenty of time to pack your things also what you guys are going to say when you see Haruka. As for the assign work, it will be explained when you get to your hotel, okay?" Said Ringo sensei.
" Alright, we'll get to see nanami again! " said Cecil excitedly.
" Finally, everyone will be together again." Said natsuki.
" I couldn't agree more." Said Ren
" Well, what are we waiting for? Let's start packing!" Shouted syo while getting all fired up.
As the boys talked amongst themselves, Ringo sensei saw how the guys were getting all fired up as they started running to their rooms to start packing. As they did that, ringo sensei went back to his room as well to pick up on last-minute - work that he forgot to do.
As for the boys that are already at their rooms, every one of them couldn't wait to see Haruka even some of them started to fantasies what their encounter will be like. It was enough to bring smiles to their faces for the first time in a long time.
While they were packing, a thought acrossed Ringo sensei 's mind as she was walking through the halls.
" It has been some time since we heard from that girl. * sighs* She has a habit of making everyone worry. Still, it doesn't explain why she didn't call once for two years. Oh well, we'll find the answer once we get there. But I am interested on how much she has changed over the years? Now there's something to look forward to." Ringo sensei said to himself as he finally reached his room.
Meanwhile in New york,
" Come on, star, were going to be late!" Shouted kou at the front of the hospital entrance.
" Okay! I'm coming!" I said with a bread in my mouth.
As I reached the door, I turned around and waved good bye to the nurses and doctors.
" Have a good day, guys!" Said one of the doctors.
Once we said our goodbyes, we rushed to our lectures. We both ran through busy streets while accidentally bumping into people on the way. While time was running out on us, we ran as fast as we could to get to our lectures on time. So here I was running through the new York streets while Kou was running ahead of me, I suddenly tripped and fell head first.
" Ow!" I cried.
The pain was unbearable that it was more than just a scratch but I had to endure it. So I held back the tears and picked my self up. As I patted myself down from head to toe, I looked around to see where I'm at. Only to find that I'm not that far from the school. When I was about to start running again, I heard this loud announcement from the TV that was behind the glass from a shop.
" Hello, Hello, people from New York! Do you have talent?" The announcer shouted.
" Oh, it's Japanese!" I said to my self while looking at the TV.
" Well, come to our Talent show to get the chance of a life time to perform on a live stage in Tokyo! Auditions are at Radio City! Come on down and let's see what you got! Auditions are a week from today!"
" Oh my god! I can't wait to tell Kou!" I shouted as I immediately started to run.
I couldn't wait to tell Kou the news. I bet that if I pass that audition, I'll get a plane ticket Tokyo to, not only to sing live but to see if I could get my memories back! Just thinking about gets me more excited but that's only if the judges like me. Although I wonder who the judges are?
Meanwhile at the TV store...
" oh! Did I forget to tell you?! The Talent Shows Judges are, none other than the famous, STARISH!"
Sorry, it took so long and I hope you stay tuned for the next chapter! :)

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